10 Jul Public Consultation on the New Digital Education Plan
10 Jul, 2020
The European Commission has launched a public consultation to gather the views of citizens and stakeholders on the future of digital education during the COVID-19 recovery period and beyond.
The public consultation seeks to gather the views and experiences of all citizens, institutions and organisations from the public and private sectors on the unprecedented coronavirus crisis, the disruption on education and training systems, the related switch to distance and online learning, their expectations until the end of the crisis and in the recovery period. The consultation concludes with a set of questions on respondents’ vision for digital education in Europe.
The public consultation will be open until 4 September 2020.
All interested citizens and organisations are welcome to participate in this consultation. In particular, the consultation seeks the views of learners, educators, education staff, parents/carers/family members of learners, as well as representatives of education and training institutions. Governmental and non-governmental organisations (international, European, national, regional and local) as well as representatives from the public sector and industry are also encouraged to respond.
The consultation will help to inform the Commission’s proposal for a renewed Digital Education Action Plan, expected in September 2020.
Digital transformation is one of the Commission’s priorities as set out in its flagship strategy, A Europe fit for the digital age. The new Action Plan will be an important part of the Next Generation EU recovery instrument, supporting Member States, education and training institutions as well as citizens in their efforts to deal with the digital change.
Source: European Commission