07 Dec EQUALS-EU: Europe’s Regional Partnership for Gender Equality in the Digital Age
07 Dec, 2020
Facebook: @equalseu
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LinkedIn: /company/equals-eu/
YouTube: Equals-EU Regional Partnership
The EU’s Gender Equality Strategy 2020-2025 calls for a Europe where women and men, girls and boys, are equal, where diversity is a recognized asset to the economy and society, and where women have equal opportunities to participate and thrive in society. The EU has committed to improving the structural inequality between men and women, and empowering and promoting the social, economic and political inclusion of women and girls and EQUALS-EU project aims at contributing to this challenging agenda.
EQUALS-EU project aims to promote gender equity in social innovation by:
- Building capacity through multilateral partnerships that strengthen existing and formalize new networks for social innovation and entrepreneurship.
- Creating smart, sustainable, and inclusive social innovation ecosystems in local communities and cities in Europe and in non-European countries in the Global North and South.
These aims are complemented by the following specific objectives:
- Develop hands-on activities through interdisciplinary, inter-sectoral, innovation camps and hackathons focused on digital inclusion and with a specific focus on sustainable gender equity practices.
- Hold high-level seminars in conjunction with existing flagship initiatives at the UN and EU, including the World Summit on the Information Society, Generation Equality Forum, Women in Digital, Girls in ICT Days, and European Development Days.
- Conduct a combination of online and face-to-face mentoring, training, and lifelong learning programmes and courses focused on business and professional development and hosted by successful social entrepreneurs, advocates, and experts, including both men and women.
- Co-innovate and implement gender-inclusive policy and business development tools in conjunction with stakeholders in the public, private, and civil society sectors.
- Increase entrepreneurial competences through international academic cooperation including the development of joint international summer school, digital learning materials and tools that promote research collaboration, student mobility, and work placements.
- Inspire the next generation of innovators by elevating a new group of leaders, role models, and advocates for gender equity in social innovation and entrepreneurship.
In pursuit of these objectives, EQUALS-EU is structured around an ambitious work programme based on six work packages:
- WP1: Appraise Gender Equity Social Innovation Ecosystems (led by Swedish Program for ICT in Developing Regions)
- WP2: Create New Solutions for Gender Equity and Digital Inclusion (lead by Missions Publiques)
- WP3: Transform Gender Inequity into Sustainable Social Impact (lead by Global Universal Design Commission Europe)
- WP4: Exchange Knowledge and Transfer Technology for Gender Equity (lead by GSM Association)
- WP5: Communication, Dissemination, and Exploitation (lead by ALL DIGITAL)
- WP6: Management and Coordination (lead by OSLOMET)
The full scope of EQUALS-EU network activities covers 29 EU Members States and Associated Countries and 9 non-European countries in both the Global North and Global South.
EQUALS-EU represents a Consortium of 19 organisations from 15 EU Member States (MS) and Associated Countries (AC). EQUALS-EU benefits from two non-European Consortium members from the Global North and Global South, which provides a rare opportunity for the exchange of knowledge and good practices and the transfer of technology and innovations.
Members of the Consortium:
- OSLOMET – Storbyuniversitetet (OsloMet), Norway – Coordinator
- Swedish Program for ICT in Developing Regions) (SPIDER), Sweden
- Missions Publiques (MP), France
- Global Universal Design Commission Europe (GUDC-EU), Norway
- GSM Association (GSMA), United Kingdom
- ALL DIGITAL, Belgium
- Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs (KhNUIA), Ukraine
- Fondation Pour L Institut De Hautes Etudes Internationales Et Du Developpement (IHEID), Switzerland
- Latvijas Zinatnu Akademijas Ekonomikas Instituts Sia (IE LAS), Latvia
- Universitat de Valenci (UVEG), Spain
- Klinikum Der Universitaet Zu Koeln (UHC), Germany
- Middle East Technical University (METU), Turkey
- University of Haifa (UH), Israel
- BLITAB Technology GmbH (BLITAB), Austria
- Havelsan Hava Elektronik Sanayi Ve Ticaret (HS), Turkey
- Kentro Merimnas Oikogeneias Kai Paidiou (KMOP), Greece
- Centre for Science and Innovation (INTERSECTION), Serbia
- United Nations University (UNU-IIST), Japan
- Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST), Korea