14 May #PATHWAYSFOREMPLOY at DigComp and EntreComp stakeholder event
14 May, 2017
The aim of the DigComp and EntreComp stakeholder event, which took place on 12 May in Brussels, was to inspire organisations to use DigComp, the European Digital Competence Framework for Citizens, and EntreComp, the European Entrepreneurship Competence Framework, and to build a community around the two frameworks.
Project partners ALL DIGITAL and Basque country government took part and presented the #pathwaysforemploy project to the educators, trainers, employers, innovators and policy experts.
What was the event about?
The European Commission presented the brand-new version 2.1 of the DigComp with eight proficiency levels and examples of use in daily life (for learning or work). Each level builds on the previous one in terms of how difficult the tasks are (complexity), if we can do them alone or with help (autonomy) and whether we simply remember what we do, or we understand and apply, and even create (cognitive domain). The difference between the levels is explained by making a parallel with learning how to swim. For the moment, practical examples regarding each competence are given for a specific level (see examples). The next step is to develop examples for all levels in each competence to provide this comprehensive illustration. Stephanie Carretero Gómez, the JRC expert behind DigComp, collected input from stakeholders regarding such examples during a dedicated workshop in the second half of the event.
The first half of the event was organised around two parallel panel sessions – one on DigComp and one on EntreComp – with contributions from stakeholders who have experience in using the frameworks. The ALL DIGITAL staff attended the session on DigComp, where representatives from ministries of education in Spain, Germany and France talked about how they used DigComp to update their digital education strategies, mostly in formal education.
The second half of the day in parallel workshops stakeholders discussed the future of the frameworks.
Why was #pathwaysforemploy relevant to the event?
We presented pathwaysforemploy at our stand at the stakeholder exhibition and during one of the parallel workshops.
What did we show to the participants who came to our stand? The project flyer, which provides general information about the project, but more importantly, the informative infographs – one for entrepreneur and one for virtual office worker – that our partner Guadalinfo prepared. The infographs present the draft competence profiles defined as a result of our research. The profiles show which digital skills are essential, transversal and complementary for entrepreneurs and virtual office workers. The profiles are defined based on the survey we conducted among more than 80 entrepreneurs, trainers, owners of SMEs and consultants and 63 free lancers, project managers, and other experts experienced in working remotely.
Why was this event relevant for #pathwaysforemploy?
Both competence profiles that we develop in this project – entrepreneur and virtual office worker – are based on DigComp. When defining the Entrepreneur profile, we worked both with DigComp and EntreComp, asking experts in the field to compare the two frameworks. How? We listed the 15 entrepreneurship competences defined in EntreComp and asked our survey respondents, which digital competences help, or enable, those entrepreneurship competences. We found out that for some entrepreneurship competences one needs digital competences more than in others. For example, digital competence can considerably help entrepreneurs to spot opportunities (EntreComp 1.1), because most information about the market, customers, needs, can be found by a properly done online search. But to motivate others or take the initiative, other, soft skills, are crucial.
During the workshop “The case for co-working DigComp and EntreComp” we found out that we are the first project ever (!) that tried to co-work the two competence frameworks. And we got an award for doing this ground-breaking work.
All event participants who we managed to talk to were really interested in the final results of our research, and we were very happy to get such positive feedback for our work!