04 Oct Overwhelming media attention for “Seniors & Tablets” project in Germany
04 Oct, 2012
During Get Online Week 2012 Android tablet devices (with internet flatrate and telephone function) were given for one year to individual seniors and senior organizations to facilitate internet usage among the older generation. Stiftung Digitale Chancen (SDC), the initiator of this project, reports that media attention for this project was and still is overwhelming.
Reports and articles appeared in more than 10 newspapers, including one in BILD-Zeitung (Germany´s biggest national newspaper) and two in Germany´s biggest online newspaper (Spiegel Online). At the moment SDC is even trying to protect the seniors from too much attention. To get an idea of the press coverage: even the American Association of Retired Persons (40.000.000 members) heard about the project and asked SDC to give some advices for carrying out a similar project.
» Read more on this project and its preliminary results at our community site