Fourth Smart Women meeting in time for International Women’s Day • ALL DIGITAL
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Fourth Smart Women meeting in time for International Women’s Day

26 Feb, 2018

March will bring the fourth meeting of the Smart Women project. It will take place in Timisoara, Romania on 6-7 March, and after that the training programme will be ready to start. Stay tuned for calls for participants in the training course!

Smart Women is an Erasmus + strategic partnership on vocation education and training wherein a programme to train women who have an entrepreneurial idea or a business and basic digital skills in e-commerce. The women will be able to bring their business online, boosting their chances to increase their customer base and take part in cross-border trade, benefiting from the digital single market.

This project has a female driven focus, which will help promote women’s participation in the workforce by creating work that does not force people to choose between their families and work but creates work and careers that can complement or even work with family lifestyles.

Currently the project partners are working on the methodology. The course and the modules will be on a Moodle platform. The total course will be about 40 hours, and the students will be evaluated by a quiz. A flip learning method is applied where students will study the content before attending the course. The modules offer additional content, which will allow students to delve in deeper into the relevant topics.

The training programme has five modules already defined:

  1. Planning your business
  2. Promoting your business online
  3. Creating digital content
  4. Online security
  5. E-commerce

The partners evaluate the modules and will implement any changes if needed and review them. After the modules are finalized, the project partners will start promoting the course and recruiting participants.

JOIN the Smart Women I-LINC community! Take part in a discussion, share your experiences and best practices on women’s e-commerce. We will be sharing news about the project!