03 Nov ICT4Elderly – Webinar “How to enhance digital skills of older adults”
03 Nov, 2021
We are extremely happy to announce that Webinar “How to enhance digital skills of older adults” will take place on the 17th of November 2021 from 14:00 to 16:00 CET.
Nowadays almost all digital technology products and services are designed and produced by younger people, and exclusively marketed for younger consumers. As a consequence, older people are left behind in the digital world, and we should not let that happen.
ICT 4 the Elderly aims to empower older adults (55-74) by providing learning opportunities to improve their digital skills. The participants of the ICT 4 the elderly training became ambassadors and shared the acquired knowledge with their peers.
During this webinar, we will talk about age and digital skills. We will present the project results and policy recommendations, and propose answers to the question how to enhance digital skills of older adults.
The webinar will consist of two parts. During the first part, we will focus on the topic of digital inclusion of older adults, while the second part will shed more light onto the peer-to-peer learning methodology developed by the project.
14:00 – Welcome and opening – Peter Palvolgyi (CEO, ALL DIGITAL)
14:05 – Panel debate on ICT skills needed by elderly people and how to enhance them (Questions will be taken from the audience)
– Grazyna Busse, HIPOCAMP, Poland
– Irina Kalderon Libal, Policy Officer, eHealth and Ageing Policy, CNECT, EC
– Eric Gijssen, Coordinator ‘Vier het Leven’, Fedos, Belgium
14:45 – Project methodology (online academy, topics, the idea of the ambassadors) – Leonor Afonso (Ynternet.org)
15:05 – Coffee break
15:15 – Implementation, how it was received by the elderly, challenges (incl. COVID) – Fiona Tesi, Tech.mt
15:30 – Testimony from a participant – short interview
15:40 – Policy recommendations – Gabriela Ruseva (ALL DIGITAL)
15:50 – Questions and Summing up.
16:00 – Closing
The event will take place online and everybody can join it. Registration is mandatory. To register please fill in the form below: