15 Feb 4th General Assembly of Telecentre-Europe AISBL in Paris
15 Feb, 2013
During 14-15 February 2013, Telecentre-Europe AISBL held its fourth General Assembly in Paris, at the Microsoft headquarters.
The reunion in Paris dealt with the following agenda points:
1- Approval and adoption of formal documents
2- Adoption of a 3-year strategy (2013-2015) of Telecentre-Europe
3- Agreement on a strategic approach for the rebranding of Telecentre-Europe
4- Agreement on the Get Online Week strategy for the next years and review of the campaign plans for 2013
In 2012, Telecentre Europe managed to consolidate its own positions as an important player. The high representation at the European level allows the organization to have a good communication with different state holders and European Union institutions.
A good result is expected from the recently started MIREIA project. The action represents a good opportunity to map the telecentres and to show the existence of a huge inclusion sector. One objective of the program is the creation a high level of legitimacy of telecentres in Europe. This project proved that the work of telecentres has to be visible and appreciated.
The new strategy 2013 – 2017 will be based on three pillars:
– Education and training,
– Advocacy and campaign,
– Research and innovation.
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