20 Dec Review of 2017 and Look into the Future
20 Dec, 2017

Board/Staff meeting
On 14-15 December the extended ALL DIGITAL Board meeting and Advisory Board meeting took place in Brussels. The main topics for the discussions were:
- Review of the 2018-2020 strategy (The Strategy will be available for all the members when it is finalized by the Board)
- Strategic priorities for 2018
- Board issues
- Budget for 2018
- Main events: General Assembly 2018; ALL DIGITAL Week; ALL DIGITAL Summit 2018.
2017 has been a special year marking the 10th year celebration of the network. Also, it was a year of transitions, including the renewal of our vision and developing a new strategy for the next period from 2018 to 2020. This led to a rebranding process that has been finalized in June 2017 with a launch event in Malta, at the Digital Assembly. The ALL DIGITAL SUMMIT and the Get Online Week have also been successful initiatives, with first one bringing 160 people together in Barcelona, and the second reaching out to almost 100,000 Europeans. Commissioner Navracsics supported both Get Online Week and endorsed our Summit as well as praised the work of our network.

Advisory Board meeting
Also, we have been one of the most active stakeholders of the Workgroup on Digital Skills coordinated by DG EAC. This led to us being among the stakeholders working on next year’s high-level event agenda on digital education and skills organised by EC and the Bulgarian presidency of the council. With DG CONNECT we continued to work on the Coalition for Digital Skills and Jobs, as part of the Secretariat, and also now our Chair of the Board Mara Jakobsone is in the Governing Board of the Coalition.
We are pleased to announce the new member of the ALL DIGITAL Advisory Board – Austėja Trinkūnaitė, Secretary General of CEPIS.

Advisory Board meeting
During the 2-day meeting, the new strategy for 2018-2020 was reviewed by the Board and presented for the Advisory Board. It addresses both the needs of our members and partners, as well as the larger societal challenges and opportunities of concern. The strategy will be available publicly after it is approved.
The Board has also discussed the three main events for the upcoming year – the ALL DIGITAL Week to be held on 19-25 March; the General Assembly on 8-9 May; and ALL DIGITAL Summit on 17-18 October in Brussels. We hope all our members and other interested stakeholders will get involved as well.
After the days of intensive work, participants enjoyed the Christmas reception, which was joined by our members and stakeholders, with lots of talks, laughs, and a lot of singing.
We would like to thank all our partners for being with us during this year,
and we look forward to working with you in the future to enhance digital skills across Europe together!
Happy Holidays from all of us!