08 Feb What will Get Online Week be like in 2016?
08 Feb, 2016
With the commitment of at least 27 campaign partners Telecentre Europe will be getting Europeans online and on jobs again. Digital empowerment campaign European GOW will mark its seventh edition this year on 14-20 March. Thousands of non-formal education providers will get busy organising various activities in their communities in order to reduce the skills gap and promote ICT jobs.
Addressing trust and confidence of Europeans’ ICT skills
Aimed at enabling more and more citizens to benefit of the increasingly advanced online services, Get Online Week will raise awareness about online identities, cyber-security, ICT skills and available tools so that European citizens become confident Internet users.
In Ireland a programme for marginalised citizens who may have limited access to the internet and computers (senior citizens, disabled people, members of the travelling community etc.) will invite participants to learn how to use the internet safely. The campaign in Czech Republic will promote digital literacy as a key to safer use of the internet and will turn attention to available tools such as IT Fitness test and e-learning courses prepared by the NCBI.
By far the most common question (and concern) in Sweden will be the e-identity: how to apply for it, how to use it and for which services, is it truly safe, etc. In Estonia thanks to the e-residency program people will hear about secure, high quality and attractive tools for several public online services.
In partnership with the association of Lithuanian banks a number of activities are planned: webinars on financial literacy and data privacy, e-banking services, direct meetings with experts in public libraries and schools.
In Italy a project by ERVET called Pane e Internet (PeI) has established networks of local actors devoted to digital competence and inclusion activities, coordinated by municipalities and based around local libraries, schools and other entities. PeI will organize digital culture events devoted to safe Internet and digital literacy courses with sessions on safe Internet.
Promoting digital careers and boosting youth employability
Get Online Week brings stakeholders together at national and local level to provide training and support to youth and unemployed towards digital careers.
Albanian Institute of Science will invite high school students from different districts of Albania to a presentation about digital jobs and platforms that offer training opportunities in online social networks. After the success of the coding workshop in GOW15, SDC (Germany) will again invite young pupils to learn coding. Digital inclusion will be a topic at a fair trade under the motto “Digital Media”. LIKTA inLatvia will target the youth on cyber-security, e-commerce skills and employability. Croatians will work on their media literacy through audio and video production in collaboration with student and public media.
The 3 day RomeCUP in Italy will feature 30 workshops and labs on educational robotics addressed to young people where 3,000 participants are expected. The first Robotic Olimpic Games promoted by the Ministry of Education and Research in collaboration with FMD will take place. Young people participating in the campaign in Poland will find out how to use social networks and other online services to build their professional image. Adults will find out where and how they can buy goods and services online, where they can get support and information on their rights.
ComNet Foundation in Hungary plans to organize a round table discussion with ICT experts, e.g. in coding, ICT teachers, system administrators, web designers, online marketing specialists, to promote coding and ICT careers.
Other similar activities will be organised in Denmark, Greece, Macedonia, Serbia, Slovenia, Spain, UK, Cyprus, Portugal, Russia and Romania. Have a look at ‘In your country’ for more info about GOW 2016 activities in your country!
Follow campaign updates on: getonlineweek.eu
Have a question? Write us! gow@telecentre-europe.org