03 Jul Telecentre Europe joins European Civil Society Platform on Lifelong Learning
03 Jul, 2015
On 15th of June Telecentre Europe officially became member of the European Civil Society Platform on Lifelong Learning, EUCIS-LLL. The acceptance was made official during their General Assembly and conference held this June in Luxembourg.

Masha Tarle speaking at the EUCIS-LLL annual conference in Luxembourg 2015
Telecentre Europe’s staff had been attending events and workshops organised by the EUCIS-LLL Platform in Brussels for more than a year, actively participating in workshops and building ties to many other platform’s members. Seeing the added value of working together to influence European education policy and sharing knowledge with like-minded organisations, TE decided to join the platform earlier this year.
The first opportunity to participate within the platform’s activities was during the General Assembly on June 15th where Telecentre Europe’s Communication Manager Masha Tarle presented the organisation to the members. The day after, during the EUCIS-LLL annual conference, Masha spoke at a workshop focusing on avoiding the “low-skills trap” where she presented TE’s running projects on digital skills and employability: I-LINC and Fit4jobs. The workshop was part of the Annual Conference 2015 titled “Lifelong Learning, paving the way for learning and qualifications”. High-level speakers at the conference included Claude Meisch, Minister for Education, Childhood and Youth of Luxembourg and Chiara Gariazzo, Director of DG EAC.
EUCIS-LLL was acknowledged by the European Commission in 2009 as a “unique representation” of lifelong learning of the various education and training actors organised at EU level. Gathering 39 member organisations, EUCIS-LLL is a strong interlocutor of the European institutions in the field of lifelong learning.
Telecentre Europe is now looking forward to more exchanges within EUCIS-LLL, that we can further shape policy recommendations and contribute to the dialogue and peer exchange on lifelong learning.
For a full conference report of the Annual EUCIS-LLL conference in Luxembourg please see here.