Shaping DIGITAL transformation: new policy actions for people on the wrong side of digital divide! At the ALL DIGITAL Summit 2022 • ALL DIGITAL
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Shaping DIGITAL transformation: new policy actions for people on the wrong side of digital divide! At the ALL DIGITAL Summit 2022

29 Sep, 2022


Prague, 29 September 2022

This week, 28-30 September, the 15th ALL DIGITAL Summit titled “Shaping DIGITAL transformation with and for ALL’’ is held in Prague in Vzlet Center. The event focuses on the effects of digital transformation in different sectors and groups of society, its impact on culture, innovation and education and how digital (and other) skills can help people, with a key focus on the next generations. The Summit gathers more than 150 in person policymakers, digital education stakeholders, trainers and educators, civic society and industry representatives and many more online.

The ALL DIGITAL Summit takes place in the context of the Czech Republic’s Presidency of the Council of the European Union. Ivan Bartoš, the Czech Deputy Prime Minister for Digitisation and Minister of Regional Development, was invited by EPMA and ALL DIGITAL has the honour to host his keynote speech. Today the Deputy Prime Minister highlighted the Czech experience in closing the digital skills gap and stressed “In today’s world, the role, and relevance of digitalization are increasing. Citizens – and young people in particular – must be prepared to face digital transformation. This year has been declared the European Year of Youth. I believe that young people are key to the tech-savvy society and the building of a better future”.

Altheo Valentini, ALL DIGITAL President building on Mr. Bartoš intervention added: ‘’The ALL DIGITAL Summit offers the opportunity to understand the must-have skills in modern societies, learn the latest development of digital education policies at European and national level, and activities, training and projects carried out daily by non-formal education providers to support millions of people living in Europe in the digital empowerment pursuit.’’ He concluded ‘’More initiatives and actions are needed to ensure the digital transformation does not increase existing gaps in our societies and they should find solutions to involve also those on the wrong side of the digital divide.’’

The European Commission presented the ambitious set of initiatives and targets it has put forward to support the digital and green twin transition. Among these initiatives, the progress and expectations related to the Social Pillar Action Plan, the New Skills Agenda, the Digital Decade and Digital Education Action Plan, and now also the European Year of Education and Training were introduced.

The ALL DIGITAL Summit 2022 includes a variety of activities, ranging from high-level keynote speeches, policy panels, and workshops, to informative sessions on European projects related to digital skills, education and upskilling/reskilling – giving opportunity to ALL DIGITAL’s partners and members to showcase the latest insights on policy actions, innovation and projects. In addition, networking opportunities are offered, such as the marketplace and the ALL DIGITAL Awards ceremony. The goal of the Summit is to facilitate dialogue, exchange ideas and strengthen relations among the digital education community, with the ultimate goal to foster actions enhancing digital skills and education for everyone.

The Summit is organised by ALL DIGITAL, hosted by EPMA (ALL DIGITAL Czech member) and Vysočina region which have offered consistent support to the event. The Summit is co-funded by the European Commission. It is also supported by other Czech regions (Prague, Hradec Karlove Region, Zlin Region) and EU Projects on digital education and skills: Amelie, Rayuela, Women4IT, Gamebox).

Find the programme here

For more information about this press release, please contact:

Andrea Bedorin

ALL DIGITAL Senior Communications Officer 


ALL DIGITAL is a leading pan-European association based in Brussels, representing member organisations across Europe that work to enhance digital skills and competencies of all people, making them aware and capable to exploit the opportunities of digital transformation.

ALL DIGITAL is supporting its member organisations in equipping all people with digital skills, with confidence, and with a mindset that allows them to understand how digital transformation can contribute to a greener, more sustainable, inclusive, and cohesive growth of society, as well as how digital competences can enhance their personal and professional development.

ALL DIGITAL represents digital education stakeholders, such as digital competence centres, adult education centres, community centres, schools, libraries and their networks across Europe where young people and adults can access training and support to improve their digital skills and keep up to date with the latest technology developments.

ALL DIGITAL focuses on supporting all Europeans to enhance their digital skills and employability, to use online services and to be included in today’s society, with the ultimate goal of improving their quality of life.


European Projects & Management Agency – EPMA is a non-profit organization founded by the Vysočina Region and the BMI Association in mid-2004. Its mission is the development of international project-based cooperation of European regions and regional partners toward a knowledge-based inclusive digitally empowered society built on bottom-up sustainable innovations. This objective is implemented through research, awareness rising, educational activities, project management support and networking in order to strengthen dialogue and cooperation between public administrations, research communities, business organizations, civic initiatives and citizens. EPMA’s fields of work include digital education and training, support for innovative thinking in SMEs & social enterprises, employability and entrepreneurial skills development, smart cities and regions with green and sustainable environment, eHealth and ICT& Ageing well, social inclusion and equitable access to opportunities.

Vysočina Region is a local government entity representing the 5th largest region in the Czech Republic. The regional capital is the city of Jihlava. The ICT priorities of the Vysočina region are the following:

  • ICT infrastructure – the tool for the regional development – Development of the strong regional owned ICT infrastructure – fibre optics backbone network called ROWANet together with technological is the basic platform for the public electronic services;
  • eGovernment – the tool for communication – Shared eGovernment services among the region enable to provide efficient, transparent and cost-effective system of the performance of the public administration;
  • ICT education – the tool of knowledge – The activities in digital education cover all levels from the projects in the high school education (before university), education for regional employees – basic ICT and cybersecurity knowledge, and also special education for regional ICT specialists to make sure, they are able to work with current technologies and follow current trends.

These priorities are fulfilled with the specific projects, in 2022 mostly focused on ROWANet network and HW environment modernization and development; Cybersecurity of the whole ICT ecosystem; eHeath services for hospitals and patients; GIS services – regional digital technical map; BIM – building information modelling; Innovations in technical education – cooperation with high-tech companies, regional hackathons and International Exchange of knowledge – EU, Taiwan etc.



ALL DIGITAL Summit is co-organised thanks to the funding from the following projects and by the European Union: