Ekaterina Clifford worked at ALL DIGITAL during June 2016 – September 2021. She supported the network of ALL DIGITAL members and various communication activities. She managed the organisation’s flagship campaigns and events: All Digital Week (formerly Get Online Week), ALL DIGITAL Summit, ALL DIGITAL Awards. She was responsible for content curation and writing copy of the four main ALL DIGITAL websites and social media, promotion of initiatives and events of the network and its members, dissemination of projects (specifically leading the dissemination activities for DCDS, Biblio, and STEAMonEdu projects). She also managed the wider network of ALL DIGITAL – Unite-IT community, which is an informal social network of digital inclusion experts and practitioners.
Ekaterina joined ALL DIGITAL in June 2016, but has been an active member of the network since its inception in 2007. She helped to establish Telecentre Europe (the original name of ALL DIGITAL) and to design All Digital Week as a member of the Steering Committee during 2007-2010 and also facilitated establishing the Russian language online network for the Eurasian telecentre community. Ekaterina has been involved in digital inclusion since 1999, working to empower citizens to use ICT to improve their lives and to promote social change. Her primary experience was with strategic development of IDEA and Tvoy Kurs programmes, supported by Microsoft, which trained 380,000 people in digital skills through the network of 170 training centres in Russia during 2007-2012.
Before joining ALL DIGITAL, Ekaterina helped to create the skills model in YouRock.Jobs and supported its development, roll-out and translation. Prior to this, she managed projects on technology capacity building for civil society organizations in Central and Eastern Europe run by Fundacja TechSoup in Warsaw.
Ekaterina holds diplomas in English Philology and in Management of Social Projects. She is native Russian, speaks fluent English and is improving her French.