27 Feb National Coalitions supporting citizens getting basic digital skills
27 Feb, 2018
As you may know, ALL DIGITAL works closely with many National Coalitions that work in the context of the Digital Skills and Jobs Coalition. National coalitions bring together stakeholders in digital skills and jobs, and these include civil society actors, employment services, government ministries and stakeholders, private companies, industry partners and education providers. National coalitions work together to develop key actions that bridge the digital skills gap. Many national coalitions have taken on actions to bridge digital skills gaps on a wide range of issues.
In Luxembourg, the national coalition organised cyber-security events, which helped companies realise and understand the need to have a cyber-security strategy. This was done by having an event that was accessible to companies, and a good awareness campaign ensured a large audience attended.
Other national coalitions have worked to put coding on the curriculum and ensure all students have an education that gives them the digital skills needed for the jobs they do.
This winter ALL DIGITAL had the opportunity to see excellent initiatives from national coalitions that work to bring basic digital skills to all citizens. In Ireland, training citizens in basic digital skills is still an area that needs focus. A project that started last year trained 22,000 people in basic digital skills. Digital skills training is offered to citizens through local centres, such as family resource centres. Using local networks such as a neighbourhood newsletter, they are able to reach citizens who are not yet online. Demand for basic skills is outstripping supply. Cases like these show that even in countries that are above average in the area of digitalisation, basic skills is still a topic that needs to be addressed.
The national coalition in Estonia, knowing that large sectors of the population use smart devices on a regular basis to access basic services, realized it was necessary to ensure citizens use devices in a safe and intelligent manner. On 7 March, they will start a new project called Smart Academies. Dissemination and actions of the project will form the backbone of their ALL DIGITAL Week #alldigitalweek activities.
Follow news of the Digital Skills and Jobs Coalition on twitter and facebook @digitalskillseu
And join the Linkedin group https://www.linkedin.com/groups/4943197
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