15 Oct Gdańsk Roadmap for Digital Inclusion now online
15 Oct, 2011
After a wide online consultation exercise that took place prior and during the European Conference on Innovation for Digital Inclusion(Gdańsk, Oct 5-7th, 2011), the collaborative text of the Gdańsk Roadmap for Digital Inclusion is now online.
The contributors drafted the “Roadmap” in order to indicate to the European Commission five areas of priority actions to be taken in the immediate future:
1. Awareness raising
2. Accessible and stable funding
3. Digital literacy and skills for enhancing human capital
4. Supporting the connection of the knowledge hubs for experience and resources exchange among digital inclusion stakeholders
5. Develop and Promote Common Tools
In addition, stakeholders pointed at additional priority actions, including the promotion and support of volunteering and third sector organisations; and the promotion of Internet as a Global Public Good.
The Roadmap is now online as a “living document” that enables the stakeholdes to further comment on it and hopes to be a useful reference guide for the multiple stakeholders that play a role in promoting digital inclusion, including the European Commission, to define future strategies and approaches, and to set priorities in the digital inclusion policy development processes.