10 Apr “Crowddreaming: Youth Co-Create Digital Culture” Conference
10 Apr, 2021
On 25 March CDDC project partners organized Crowddreaming: Youth Co-Create Digital Culture (CDDC) final project conference. More than 170 participants attended the online event that marks the completion of the CDDC project.
The event offered inspiring keynotes, discussion with representatives of European institutions and civil society organisations, presentation of the CDDC project results and, finally, virtual experience of Europa Square digital monument (you can visit the Europa Square by clicking the link).
The event started with two keynotes from the experts in (digital) cultural heritage. The first one was delivered by Matevž Straus, founder of ID20 Institute for heritage innovations from Idrija and Heritage+ Lead at Arctur who talked about the value and role of cultural heritage and how to tap the full potential of it with digitalisation.
The second keynote speaker was Gunnar Liestøl, professor at Department of Media & Communications at University of Oslo. He has developed several hypermedia and augmented reality systems, including the award winning “Kon-Tiki interactive” and “Old Narva” and leads SITSIM project. In his address he presented how to use (and why) augmented reality as a tool for education and valorization of cultural heritage.
You can watch the recording in the video below. Both presentations are also available for download:
- Cultural heritage and innovation: What does the future bring? (Matevž Straus)
- Augmented reality, cultural heritage and education (Gunnar Liestøl)
The keynotes were followed by a panel debate “Cultural heritage, education and digitalisation: What lies ahead?” where Altheo Valentini hosted representatives of the European institutions and civil society organisations. Hannes Heide (Member of the European Parliament – S&D Group), Michael Teutsch (Head of unit for schools and multilingualism at DG EAC, European Commission), Marianna Marcucci (Co-Founder, Invasioni Digitali) and Brikena Xhomaqi (Director of Lifelong Learning Platform – LLLP) discussed the challenges of cross-sectional cooperation between culture and education sectors and how to improve it in the future. You are invited to watch the debate in the video below.
The last third of the conference was dedicated to the presentation of the CDDC project results.
The CDDC project impact in numbers:
- CDDC full Learning Programme (including MOOC for teachers and workshops with young people) delivered and tested in four project countries (Croatia, Greece, Italy and Latvia);
- 137 teachers successfully completed the CDDC MOOC;
- 1631 young people (13-19 years of age) involved in 210 CDDC workshops;
- 15 tutors supported teachers in their training, and organising and implementing the CDDC workshops;
- 236 digital thanksgiving scenes produced by young people supported by their teachers (80 selected scenes available on the Europa Square platform).
- Europa Square digital monument and online community involving over 2000 participants at the end of the project.
All the project results are accessible and downloadable on the website. Below is the summary of them:
- Training Needs Analysis Report and Transfer Framework introducing Crowddreaming method, presenting the analysis of the training needs of the participating schools from participating countries and outlining operational framework to transfer the good practice.
- CDDC Learning Programme (Massive Open Online Course – MOOC including training content and workshops of the teachers with youngsters and Training Toolkit for educators)
- “Europa Square” as a digital monument to European transculturalism is an ecosystem composed by three main tightly interacting components: (1) The Museater, where values relevant to the community are preserved in time and staged as interactive digital stories, and augmented and virtual reality experiences; (2) The Community, that keeps the digital monument alive and meaningful and, (3) Online platform (VR version) where Community members meet, plan, work and deliver together.
- Policy recommendations based on the results of training and piloting activities, for further transferability and upscaling of the project results.
Two key reports have been produced by the CDDC project partners:
- The Design, implementation and delivery of the MOOC Report sums up the evaluation results of the CDDC Learning Programme and feeds its findings into the MOOC upgrade and the policy recommendations.
- The Experimentation report explains the piloting methodology used to scale up the workshops with young people. It also contains evaluation results from the young people who participated in the workshops, teachers who were conducting the workshops and the national tutors who facilitated the piloting phase in their partner countries. Both reports also explain the impact of the COVID-19 pandemics on the training and the piloting activities.
The project results are available in English, Croatian, Greek, Italian, and Latvian.
The project results could not be achieved without incredible efforts and great work of all involved parties. Big thanks to all the teachers and students who have participated in the project and helped us make Crowddreaming a reality. Many thanks also to all project partners and tutors for your hard work over the past two years.
Below the video you will find the timestamps of different conference activities which will allows you to easily jump to the content of your interest.
00:00:00 – Welcome and Agenda
00:01:38 – ALL DIGITAL and All Digital Week. Peter Palvoldyi, CEO of ALL DIGITAL
00:08:00 – Introduction to the conference. Achilles Kameas, Chair of the Board of ALL DIGITAL
00:18:50 – Keynote: Cultural heritage and innovation: What does the future bring? Matevž Straus, ID20
00:39:10 – Keynote: Augmented reality, cultural heritage and education. Gunnar Liestøl, Professor, Dept. of Media & Communication, University of Oslo
01:04:00 – Panel debate: Cultural heritage, education and digitalisation: What lies ahead?
– Hannes Heide, Member of the European Parliament
– Michael Teutsch, Head of Unit for Schools and Multilingualism, DG EAC, European Commission
– Marianna Marcucci, Co-Founder, Invasioni Digitali
– Brikena Xhomaqi, Director of Lifelong Learning Platform (LLLP)
Moderator: Altheo Valentini, General Director, EGINA
02:03:12 – Presentation of CDDC project results. Borut Cink, ALL DIGITAL
02:14:32 – Presentation of CDDC Policy Recommendations. Borut Cink, ALL DIGITAL
02:23:20 – Presentation of Europa Square digital monument. Paolo Russo, Secretary General, Stati Generali dell’Innovazione