24 Sep Putting Crowddreaming to Practice: Crowddreaming second partners meeting and tutors training in Rijeka
24 Sep, 2019
Creating digital scenes, learning how to use augmented reality and planning an online course to make it all fall into place; this is what partners of the Crowddreaming Erasmus+ KA3 project did during their one-day project meeting and two days of tutors training in Rijeka, Croatia.
The Crowddreaming project scales up a best practice that has taken place in Italy on a non-formal basis for four years in a row. Partners will scale up this best practice by piloting it in Greece, Latvia, Croatia and Italy. The best practice will also be scaled up into schools and lead by teachers, thus a formal methodology and an online course will be developed and delivered to teachers.
Partners in the meeting discussed and reviewed the curriculum of the online course and reviewed the methodology of coaching circles. Much of the discussion reflected the challenges of taking a non-formal practice and formalising it. One needs to ensure the essence of the practice remains while developing a methodology and toolkit that structures it in a replicable and scalable manner. Furthermore, the methodology must be evaluated in order to see whether the structure of the methodology created reaches it goals. It is a similar story which many projects at this level must undergo, and as such these discussions must take place and reach a resolution before piloting starts.
The CrowdDreaming methodology will rely on Coaching circles. Coaching circles are a method developed by the Presence Institute at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. The intention of coaching circles is to “help leaders at any level, in any system, find new solutions to the unprecedented challenges of disruption they face”.
Crowddreaming aims to encourage the awareness of both teachers and young people about the epochal challenge upon which new generations are called, they will be the first in history to find themselves passing down a purely digital cultural heritage. The competition aims to raise awareness of the difficulties of this challenge and to stimulate the adoption of the new paradigms of thought required to operate in the digital dimension. Inasmuch, coaching circles are employed as a methodology to present the problem and guide the leader to find a solution. As teachers learn about new methods to teach digital cultural heritage and prompt a story from students to construct a digital scene, they will have the chance through coaching circles to present their thoughts on the challenges they encounter.
During the training of tutors, the methodology of coaching circles was practiced by the few trainers who have not tried it out themselves. And tutors shared their thoughts on coaching circles to have a better idea on how to practically implement them during the piloting of the project.
Learn more about the Crowddreaming project by following the project on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/crowddreamingEU/
And the website: http://www.crowddreaming.eu/