25 Jul Call to create a Learning Management System
25 Jul, 2019
Digital SkillShift – Learning Management System specification
Call for proposals
The purpose of the document is to describe the requirements, functionality and purpose of a proposed Learning Management System (LMS) for the Digital SkillShift (DSS) project of ALL DIGITAL.
See the Digital SkillShift Evaluation Specification in .pdf
Project Overview
The Digital SkillShift project will support 150 learners into work or work experience in three countries through a tailored programme of training designed for this project. It aims to target entry-level “digital” jobs outside of the ICT sector and will develop a curriculum that specifically supports a small number of ‘in-demand’ jobs. The ‘model’ will then be promoted to other partner organisations of ALL DIGITAL. Please see the attached Project Overview for more details about the project.
Core Principles for the LMS
- Multi-language functionality with English, French, German, and Italian at start.
- Mobile/tablet responsive (optional), multi-browser compatibility
- Ease of use for students
- Easy to register, navigate, find course content
- Ease of use for tutors, centre managers
- Easy to enroll students
- Ease of use for administrators
- East to add new members (i.e. network or centre managers)
- Easy to add new courses and course content, upload resources etc
- Easy to amend existing content
- Easy to add functionality (e.g. surveys, quizzes, interactive tests, badges, certifications, etc.)
- Robust and easy to use reporting on students, courses, tutors, centres
- Easy to develop custom reports on all levels
- Minimises development costs through use of open components (suggested)
- Scalable, but minimises hosting costs and processing requirements through efficient Code.
Perceived User Types
- Administrator(s) – overall system manager
- Network manager(s) (optional) – country/region manager for a network of centres
- Centre manager(s) – individual centre manager
- Tutor(s) – individual tutor
- Learner/Student(s)
Learners/ Students must be able to:
- Register – log in, change credentials, reset password, etc
- Access course content – view/ use/ download content as included on relevant course
- “Complete” course – be recorded as such upon successful “completion” of all required elements
Tutors must be able to:
- Manage learners individually and in groups
- Set tasks, mark tasks as complete
- Amend courses at any time (including during course)
- Report on learner progress against range of criteria
Centre managers must be able to:
- Add Tutors – assign courses
- Access tutor reports
- Report on centre progress, learner demographics, etc
Network managers must be able to:
- Manage courses – including amending/ creating new courses,
- Manage centres
- Access centre reports, report on Network performance
Administrators must be able to:
- Manage languages
- Manage networks, centres
- Manage users, including alias as any level of user
- Manage courses – including amending/ creating new courses
- Create and Access reports on all levels – network progress, learner demographics, etc.
Concept for learning Content
- ALL DIGITAL and its partners will develop, and the system will host, three courses with a core of content across all three courses, with optional modules that can be added to each course. More content could be created in future.
- It is anticipated that there will be around 40h-60h of material for each of the three initial courses, approximately 20h of which could be self-learning.
- The LMS should be able to host a range of files types as well as link out to other resources.
- Learning outcomes will be delivered though task-based exercises in venues in the three partner countries (FR, IT, DE). Assessment will be carried out through review of achievement of the tasks.
- The three courses will be based on developing a set of skills for three specific “Job Roles”
NOTE: the applicant is NOT required to create the learning content. This information is just for reference.
The system may have a potential commercial aspect. It should be set up in such a way that the administrator could set fee(s) to use it in the future, although for initial purposes it will be free. This may be as simple as an option to “buy a role” (e.g. network manager, centre manager).
Design/ visual appeal/ user experience
Specific design criteria (colours, etc.) will be specified during the development phase, however the system should conform to a number of simple design criteria as follows:
- Simple ‘clean’ design with good use of white space to ensure content is not too crowded
- Easy to navigate for all types of users
- Current and modern visual experience on all responsive resolutions
- An ‘intuitive’ user experience – the system UX should feel intuitive
Technical Platform
Suggested use of customised Moodle platform (or developed from “scratch” if justified). It will be hosted on Digitalskillshift.eu, as part of the wider project website. The Digital Skillshift website will be launched shortly for reference on design style.
The call for proposals
There is a budget of around €12,000 EUR (VAT inclusive) for the development.
Who may apply
Any organisation or individual who has sufficient experience and capacity to develop the proposed LMS to the specification within the timeframe.
- Propose LMS solution – by 09 Aug 2019
- Contracting – 2nd half Aug
- Develop LMS – September
- LMS beta live – 4th October
- Course content added (by ALL DIGITAL), testing and debugging – throughout October
- Full Platform Launch – by 8th November 2019
- Piloting of courses from 15th November onwards
Proposal evaluation
The applicant is requested to provide in English information on their experience (or organisations experience) and that of staff working on the project, a brief breakdown of the costs and time allocation, as well as the description the solution you propose to develop. The proposal should be no longer than 15 pages including any wireframe/ design ideas.
Your proposal will be evaluated on a number of criteria:
- The likely effectiveness of the proposed LMS solution. Please ensure that you include information showing how your proposed solution meets the specification, and if, in any areas, it exceeds it. Please also feel free to justify any deviation from the specification.
- The experience of the applicant and any named staff involved
- The overall costs of the proposal
This call for proposals will close at 23:59 on 9th Aug 2019. Please send your proposal by email to ian.clifford(at)all-digital(dot)org. The successful applicant will be notified by 16th August 2019.
This call for proposals is in no way binding on ALL DIGITAL AISBL. Any contractual obligation commences only upon signature of the contract with the successful applicant.
For any further information, please contact Mr Ian Clifford, Project Manager, at ian.clifford(at)all-digital(dot)org.