15 Jan Call for Open Pilot for ICT competencies in the care sector
15 Jan, 2014
The careNET Consortium, coordinated by IPERIA, consisting of eight European partners is inviting organisations outside the Consortium and potentially from other countries to join an Open Pilot experience. It is an open and free possibility for home care service providers or other organisations dealing with home care workers or older people as receivers of home care to take part in a pilot exercise.
The careNET Consortium is implementing the project entitled “Building ICT competencies in the long-term care sector to enhance quality of life for older people and those at risk of exclusion” with the support of the European Commission’s Lifelong Learning Programme. The careNET project is aimed at developing a critical set of ICT competences in 2 identified ‘at-risk’ target groups: care-workers and older persons.
Organisations joining the pilot will receive full access to the key outputs of the project including the map of domains of competences, learning path and learning resources, and other tools of the Virtual Learning Environment. Pilot organisations will also receive methodological support from the Consortium and will be invited to present their pilot experience at the careNET final conference (‘ICT and e-Skills for Social Care’) taking place in February 2014 in Brussels.
A Handbook of Piloting Procedures is available to provide practical guidance to the piloting exercise that can be used by staff and organisations involved in the open pilot and their local partners. The Handbook introduces the pilot in the context of the project, describes the original national piloting scenarios (France and Spain), and presents in details the three phases of the pilot: pre-pilot, pilot and post-pilot activities. It explains for each phase the range of activities, the administrative procedures and the required templates.
If your organisation is interested in joining the Open Pilot experience, please contact Laure Lhermet (laure.lhermet@iperia.eu) project officer at IPERIA or Peter Palvolgyi (peter.palvolgyi@telecentre-europe.org) responsible for exploitation activities at Telecentre-Europe. For more information about the careNET project, the implementing partners and the ongoing pilot experience in France and Spain, please visit our website (www.carenetproject.eu) or follow us on Facebook (www.facebook.com/carenetproject).