Join the largest digital empowerment campaign in Europe - ALL DIGITAL Week 2019 • ALL DIGITAL
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Join the largest digital empowerment campaign in Europe – ALL DIGITAL Week 2019

24 Jan, 2019

ALL DIGITAL Week is an annual digital empowerment campaign run at digital competence centres, libraries, schools, community centres and non-profits across Europe, bringing 100,000 Europeans every year in exciting online and offline events tackling digital transformation and its effects.

The 10th edition of the campaign in 2010 wishes to send a strong message to Europeans that they should take active steps towards understanding and benefiting from the digital transformation, by learning new media literacy and digital skills and by developing an adaptive mindset.

ALL DIGITAL Week 2019 will give people tools and approaches to enhance their digital skills and help them to be more adaptive with respect to their working skills. The campaign will:

  • Promote media literacy by developing critical thinking and digital literacy
  • Build safety and trust in technology by developing cybersecurity skills
  • Enhance employability by developing the right skills for new digital jobs.

Underpinning these themes there will be a range of events and activities covering a variety of topics from digital literacy and digital citizenship to coding and STEM skills for society.

Why do we need the ALL DIGITAL Week in Europe?

  • 43% of the EU population have insufficient level of digital skills
  • 35% of EU labour force have no basic digital skills
  • 13% have never been online
  • 29% of Europeans are not confident they can identify disinformation
  • 72% believe that robots will take their jobs


We invite national networks, umbrella organisations, or those with capacity to have a big regional or national reach to become partners of the European ALL DIGITAL Week on 25-31 March 2019.

If you wish to

  • Be a partner in a pan-European campaign, which has already reached over 1 125 000 people;
  • Lead the ALL DIGITAL Week activities in your country or region;
  • Get to know other organisations working to enhance digital skills in various European countries and learn about/from their experience and initiatives – find partners for possible future projects;
  • Promote your organisation and activities on the European level through our channels to a network of 60 ALL DIGITAL member organisations, 4,000+ social media followers and 1,300+ newsletter subscribers,

Learn here how to get involved and register as partners for the campaign


We invite digital competence centres, VET providers, lifelong learning organisations, youth organisations, schools, libraries, social enterprises and anyone else interested, to get involved by organising relevant events in conjunction with their partners.

If your country doesn’t have a partner, you can still participate – organise an event and let us know about it.  All event organisers will get certificates from the ALL DIGITAL Week campaign upon successful completion of their events.

If you wish to

  • be part of the largest digital empowerment campaign and organise an event
  • receive a certificate of completion
  • enter the Best Event competition and win a chance to participate in the ALL DIGITAL Summit in October 2019, then

Learn here how to get involved as organisers and add your events to the campaign map