Pathways4Employ Self-Assessment Tool
Pathways for employ assessment and accreditation platform was created within the Pathways4employ project and is based on the DIGCOMP framework....
Pathways for employ assessment and accreditation platform was created within the Pathways4employ project and is based on the DIGCOMP framework....
Are you ready to assess your digital competences? We are inviting you to participate in the pilot assessment and...
We invite you to the PATHWAYS FOR EMPLOY final conference on 9 May 2018 in Brussels. In this event we will...
... or What happened at the 4th partners’ meeting in Riga On 14-15 February pathways4employ partners met in Riga at Microsoft...
#pathways4employ partners met in Dublin on 18-19 October for the 3rd transnational meeting of the project at the premises of...
This issue is mostly devoted to the upcoming ALL DIGITAL Summit on 4-5 October in Barcelona under the theme of Digital...
Our first ALL DIGITAL newsletter! Our organisation is celebrating ten years of partnerships, campaigns and development in 2017. We became ALL...
Spring has been super busy for Telecentre Europe and our partners: European Get Online Week, our 7th General Assembly, new...
Get a glimpse of our activities in October-December and events & funding opportunities awaiting in 2017! What’s on at Telecentre Europe ...
We are starting a new exciting project called Pathways4employ! It’s about digital skills, entrepreneurship, DigComp and employment, all at once. What...
We have identified two interesting profiles for employment and digital competences offering opportunities in the coming years: entrepreneur and ‘virtual worker’. By...
The PATHWAYS FOR EMPLOY final conference will be held on 9 May 2018 in Brussels. In this event we will look...