05 Oct RAYUELA has gone live!
05 Oct, 2020
On 1-2 October, the Kick-off meeting for RAYUELA took place, officially initiating an exciting collaboration between 17 partners in a challenging 3-year project. As described by the Project Coordinator, Universidad Pontificia Comillas, RAYUELA aims to make internet a safer place for young people. The strategy will comprise investigative, preventive and mitigating actions, and will lay the basis for the consolidation of key policies in the most relevant policy-making environments.
HOW will this goal be achieved?
RAYUELA combines a multidisciplinary approach, embracing psychology, criminology and anthropology research to develop solid knowledge base, using technology as a powerful means to define the IT Threat landscape.
The serious game will be the main tool to really reach out to our young target groups, through a language that is familiar to them, following interactive storylines and identifying different risk levels. The gaming experience will make the learning process more attractive, adhering to the pedagogic approach of play-based learning.
Pilot studies conducted transversally across Europe will ensure a thorough testing environment, enhanced by massive awareness-raising campaigns.
One of the most significant project aspects, particularly evident during the KoM, is the extraordinary participation of key stakeholders from different fundamental environments: law enforcement agencies, educational centres, experts from the digital and gaming community, all concurring to the same goal: reducing young people’s exposure to cyber threats.
During the project, ALL DIGITAL will contribute to the implementation of pilot studies and the development of a solid awareness-raising campaign, disseminating project outcomes through its networks and channels, to ensure a cross-national outreach and engagement across member states.
Despite the digital format, the KoM was a very fruitful event, allowing an inspiring exchange of ideas in a very stimulating environment. The meeting was a great opportunity to review project goals, milestones and key aspects, and for the partners to get familiar with each other, initiating an important dialogue.
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under Grant Agreement No. 882828.