14 Nov CHAMELEON – Career paths framework for High schools Aimed at Modelling innovative approaches using E-Learning in Early Orientation for Neet prevention
14 Nov, 2023
CHAMELEON – Career paths framework for High schools Aimed at Modelling innovative approaches using E-Learning in Early Orientation for Neet prevention fosters synergies between school education and innovation, supporting career guidance in high school students and promoting new technologies as drivers of improvements of skills in career transition programs to be implemented in schools’ practices. The rationale is to provide tools based on three pillars: Digital transformation; Green and sustainability vision; and Entrepreneurship approach.
Specifically, CHAMELEON aims to:
- Implement and validate a training model for young people providing a career guidance roadmap
- Develop and implement a MOOC based on the CHAMELEON framework to propose learning tools to support young career guidance in school practice.
- Develop a Serious Game, a game-based approach fostering new skills for young people to build proactive, digital and sustainable career plans, performing its practical and on-stage activity
- Provide a user-centred approach, actively involving school actors (students, teachers) as co-creator of the game
- Provide guidelines to support career paths for digital and sustainable societies in other countries, proposing recognition of the training program at the EU level.
- Bring the school education sector with the companies and universities, associations, fostering the knowledge triangle between education and innovation and research.
School students, neets (school staff will be working with consortium), innovative career ambassadors
CHAMELEON expects to enhance the skills needed to respond to the challenges of a continuously changing environment.
The main intangible outcome is the contribution to the student’s skills and competence to face the labour market with a proactive approach, with a high ability to adapt and contribute to the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.
The main tangible outputs of the projects are:
- Roadmap career guidance: CHAMELEON will propose a training model to engage high school students with digital, sustainability and entrepreneurial skills contributing to achieving sustainable, proactive and innovative careers.
- MOOC: CHAMELEON will release a MOOC for high school students for learning and transferring needed skills based on three pillars. The MOOC aims to guide students in possible career paths (and to create new ones) using these skills to deal with the complex interactions among economic policies and work in an international and cosmopolitan context.
- Serious Game: CHAMELEON will release a serious game that stands both as an autonomous tool and a highly connected game to the MOOC and integrated into it. Furthermore, the game represents practical activities of the course as a virtual lab.
- Guidelines for School Education: this result will report the experience of this pedagogical approach in e-learning, providing an easy manual for the stakeholders that intend to implement this roadmap in their curricula and the school program. Furthermore, this output will focus on delivering policy recommendations and providing validation and certification of the training program at the EU level for high school students. This will be possible both in EU countries that require students to obtain certifications on school-to-work transition courses and in other countries that have not implemented these activities in school curricula yet.
SMARTED srl, Italy – Coordinator
Magyar Digitális Oktatásért Egyesület (MDOE), Hungary
IASIS, Greece
CreaTIC Academy S.L., Spain
Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II (UNINA), Italy
Istituto Statale di Istruzione Superiore Vittorio Emanuele II, Italy