18 Mar New member from Slovakia: Aptech Europe
18 Mar, 2013
Aptech Worldwide – one of the leading global providers of IT education – opened its training center in Bratislava where through the Non-profit organization Aptech Europe (Nezisková organizácia Aptech Europe) provides education in the area of information, communication and computer technology.
Aptech has more than 25 years of experience in IT education and is active in 40 countries – in total there are more than 1,000 centers worldwide. We cooperate with world leading companies and can competently prepare employees according to the requirements of IT companies also in other European countries in order to satisfy their educational needs.
Non-profit organization Aptech Europe offers a 2-year certified program Aptech Certified Computer Professional (ACCP), which in a practical way prepares qualified IT specialists with focus on web and mobile software applications development using a number of programming languages and technologies. The study is conducted by foreign professional and certified instructors also in English. Students over the period of six trimesters/semesters attend more than 1,000 hours of classes and each trimester/semester is completed by a real project and exam. Despite the high intensity of the study, students can work during their education thanks to a flexible study schedule. The education is accepted as part of university study (Bachelor’s degree) by several foreign universities, in cooperation with a Slovak university we launched a pilot project of a 3-year Bachelor’s degree course combined with the ACCP program in Bratislava in September 2012. For more information you can visit www.itstudium.sk. For September 2013 we plan the launch of a foreign Bachelor’s degree course combined with the ACCP program in Slovakia. In cooperation with specific IT companies we would like to prepare a follow-up Master’s degree courses in engineering disciplines based on requirements of our partnering IT companies.
Practical focus of our study replaces IT working experience requested by the companies. Currently, companies spend considerable money and effort to establish basic work habits, improve communication skills and professional knowledge of new hires, especially the fresh graduates. The average time and costs of meeting this goal are at the level of the first 6 to 9 months of employment of the newly hired employee. In case of engagement of our graduates this initial phase of training can be omitted.
We also offer short-term courses focused on one technology and designed especially to the needs of specific companies.
In cooperation with the Civic association IT School (Občianske združenie IT Škola) we prepare a project, which aim is the complex solution of the education and training of IT specialists at all levels of education – at primary and secondary schools and also at universities.
Our organization develops in collaboration with the Pontis Foundation (Nadácia Pontis) and the non-profit organization Aidmatrix Foundation an international IT education project in central and western Europe preparing IT professionals based on the specific requirements of IT companies and members of the American Chamber of Commerce in Slovakia – AmCham, we are members of too.
We are the administrator of the “Students to Business” platform by Microsoft that connects IT industry with students and IT job seekers and is available at www.s2b.sk.
Through individual career counselling we help students to succeed on the labour market, we guide them through the particular steps necessary for successful integration into the working process or by changing of their job.
We offer media partnership to improve the attractivity of technically-oriented professions and education resulting into improved image of our media partner under the motto “We care about the future of Slovakia, and therefore we support the best young talents in getting a top IT education.”
Our main goal is to support the employment of young people through quality IT education and English language knowledge. During the first two years of existence of our non-profit organization we made possible for dozens of students to study for free the prestigious certified ACCP study and to promising young IT talents we offer scholarship during the entire study.
We have developed a functioning model by which we connect IT companies, students, educational and financial institutions in order to prepare for the ICT sector suitable employees with appropriate knowledge, working skills and education degree for different levels of expertise and in accordance with specific requirements of individual IT companies. We realize that in addition to the increased employment is the growth of the ICT sector also the right solution how to support the growth of the entire Slovak economy, which is currently too much oriented on just one industry area.