07 Jan IdenTIC Consortium
07 Jan, 2013
IdenTIC Consortium’s main goal is to foster ICT and the Information Society among the regional citizens and to promote the development of municipalities in the Spanish region of Extremadura. Since its Foundation, IdenTIC has always been very committed with public & private entities in training and disseminating the use of ICT and Free Sofware technologies.
Thanks to an agreement signed in 2010 with County Councils of Badajoz and Cáceres, Extremadura currently has a network of 246 telecentres belonging to these County Councils. IdenTIC Consortium is the managing entity responsible of giving support, connectivity, education, training and contents, in order to give citizens the opportunity to acquire and improve skills in the information Society. In the effort to create a strong and committed Network of Telecentres, IdenTIC Consortium has recently started new actions and training activities.