13 Mar ICTSkills4All Project meeting in Riga, Latvia
13 Mar, 2019
The ICTSkills4All (Empowering older adult citizens for a Digital World) project meeting took place in Riga, Latvia, on 07-08 March 2019 when project partners from University of Porto (Portugual), ALL DIGITAL (Belgium), HIPOKAMP (Poland) and Cybermoor Services (UK) have been welcomed by Alliance Senior Active Riga.
The meeting took place on 8 March, but project partners gathered already on 7 March for dinner. It was a great chance to catch up and enjoy a Latvian meal before getting busy at the meeting.
The next day project partners met at the Baltic Computer Academy where they were welcomed by Terēzija Mackare, Head of the Board foundation “Rīgas aktīvo senioru alianse”. Then Prof. Elisio Costa, project coordinator from University of Porto , officially introduced the meeting.
Daniel Heery from Cybermoor, and Madara Irbe from Alliance Senior Active Riga reviewed the work done for the first two outputs: collection of online resources (first output) which will be used to develop the online platform’s educational materials and inter-generational and peer-to-peer educational programs (second output) which will contribute to organise the pilot.
Project partners also discussed the next project activities:
- Eduardo Pedreiro, from University of Porto gave a presentation on the development of the online platform for older adults to be developed in the upcoming months.
- Grazyna Busse, from Hypokamp will be responsible for analysing in-person approaches to support older adults acquiring ICT skills.
- In the end, Alessandra Accogli from ALL DIGITAL addressed European dissemination activities.
The meeting was very productive especially in terms of planning of future activities. Project partners are ready to get back to work!