10 Sep “No lockdown for e-democracy” workshop
10 Sep, 2020
The workshop “No lockdown for e-democracy” is organized by DG JUST, in partnership with EACEA, in the framework of the European Week of Regions and Cities 2020.
Join us on 6 October 2020 for a conversation about the promises and challenges of e-democracy during the COVID-19 response and get to know some e-democracy best practices of EU funded projects. One of them is Get Your Facts Straight! project that will be presented by ALL DIGITAL’s Programme Officer Borut Cink.
A new push for European democracy is a priority of the European Commission.
The fight against COVID-19 has led to many special measures. These can have an impact on normal democratic processes and democratic debate. E-democracy could help address some of these impacts, as well as generally supporting participation and open debate. This session aims to contribute to the conversation about the promises and challenges of e-democracy during the COVID-19 response and highlighting some e-democracy best practices of EU funded projects. In the introductory part, stakeholders will share with the audience best practices of EU-funded projects related to how digital technologies can empower citizens to take part in the European democratic debate. The main part of the session will be dedicated to discussing the lessons learned from the COVID-19 pandemic and how we should adapt our digital democracy policies and practices to make our democracies more resilient in times of crisis.
Marie-Hélène Boulanger, Head of Unit, Union citizenship rights and Free movement, DG JUST, European Commission, Belgium.
- Borut Cink, Programme Officer, ALL DIGITAL, Belgium.
- Simon Delakorda, Director, Institute for electronic participation, Slovenia.
- Flavio Grazian, Participatory DemocracyManager, ECAS, Belgium.
- Malgorzata Wochowska, Project coordinator, Federación de Municipios de Madrid “Supporting democratic Union and active citizenship in digital era”, Spain.
Registration for the event is mandatory. Please register here.