05 Jun ALL DIGITAL Summit 2019
05 Jun, 2019
On 10-11 October 2019, ALL DIGITAL will organise its 12th annual summit in Bologna, Italy. The event is co-hosted by our Italian members ART-ER in collaboration with Emilia-Romagna Digital Agenda, our members Lai-Momo and Open Group, and is supported by Emilia-Romagna Regional Government and Golinelli Foundation.
ALL DIGITAL Summit 2019 will tackle two distinctive but equally important themes for our network. Basic digital skills for everyone have always been at the core of our work ever since the digital inclusion leaders met more than 10 years ago to establish a European network. STEAM skills are, on the other hand, a newer topic on the advanced side of the skills spectrum with increasing importance where digital competence centres have a key role to play.
The Summit will bring together ca. 150 leaders of networks and organisations working to enhance digital skills of European citizens.
The Summit
Do you think basic digital skills and STEAM skills meet? And if yes, where? In the digital competence centres, of course. And in an ever growing number of schools, too!
In recent years, our network has evolved and grown. New organisations have joined, and new topics are emerging. STEM (and now STEAM) skills is one of them, steadily making its way into our digital competence centres through fab labs, maker spaces, robotics, digital creativity activities. Our role is to make these technologies available to everyone, regardless of their social and economic status, educational level, geographic location and background. At the same time, basic digital skills and digital literacy remain a top priority for us, because we know that way too many people in Europe are still unable to perform very basic operations with digital devices (43% of them, which is about 200 million people).
This is why, this year, we are addressing these two topics together – on Day 1 we will look into ground-breaking forward-looking ways to turn digital competence centres into STEAM hubs supporting everyone to develop high-end skills, while on Day 2 we will remind ourselves that our job to ensure basic digital literacy for everyone is far from done.
Participants will explore, share and learn:
- how coding and peer-to-peer learning foster digital AND social inclusion;
- how non-formal training providers can support schools and teachers in coding and STEM;
- what is the role of digital competence centres in STE(A)M
- how technology and STEAM skills can support real-world problem-solving;
- how we can close the gender gap in STE(A)M;
- what does the “A” in STEAM represent;
- and finally, how we can foster basic digital literacy in new ways, with new tools so that everyone can benefit from the digital transformation.
We will discuss the role of digital competence centres in STEAM skills and how they can work together with education and training institutions, teachers, public authorities, business, policy makers, social inclusion actors, cultural organisations, other civil society organisations and learners themselves to create bridges between all these sectors. The mandate of digital competence centres has been to empower all citizens with digital, social, entrepreneur and employability skills. Both STEAM skills and basic digital skills are in the centre of this empowerment, and digital competence centres offer holistic approaches that combine those skills and act as experimentation labs for new learning and teaching methodologies and strategies.
The delegates will explore and share these new approaches in a variety of discussion groups, workshops, and plenary sessions.
Social Media
- Facebook: @AllDigitalEU Twitter: @AllDigitalEU
- Hashtags: #AllDigitalEU; #DigitalSkills
- Blogging space (on the ALL DIGITAL community website Unite-IT): unite-it.eu
- Website: summit.all-digital.org
ALL DIGITAL Summit 2019 is co-organised by three projects:
The “Coding for Inclusion” fosters STEM education of disadvantaged youth through an inclusive educational approach based on a peer-learning pedagogical method for formal and non-formal educational contexts in Europe. The project adapts, disseminates and scales up an inclusive learning good practice based on the Capital Digital project, implemented by project partner and ALL DIGITAL Member MAKS in Brussels, Belgium. Capital Digital successfully trained 15-18 year old youngsters from disadvantaged backgrounds, migrants and asylum seekers on how to teach coding and programming to their younger 10-12 year old peers in Brussels. The young “e-facilitators” learned to engage children in STEM and coding activities in a playful way. The “Coding for Inclusion” project adapted the Capital Digital methodology and training programme to formal education institutions and was applied in 5 European countries, namely Belgium, Cyprus, Germany, Italy, and Spain.
The Summit hosts the final conference of the Digital Competence Development System (DCDS) – a two-year project funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union under the Action KA3 Support for Policy Reform, Forward Looking Cooperation Projects (FLCPs).
DCDS project aims to establish a framework to provide low-skilled adults with the basic digital and transversal competences needed for employment, personal development, social inclusion and active citizenship. The project developed an integrated modular system, the “Digital Competences Development System – DCDS” mapped to DigComp 2.1. The system includes online self-assessment of digital skills, online personalized learning pathways; modular blended course with face-to-face support training sessions; self-study; final knowledge assessment; certification of acquired digital skills using open badges and a Europass-like CV supplement. The platform and methodology is tested during pilots in five countries (Greece, Latvia, Italy, Romania and Spain) by trainers and 150 beneficiaries.
The Summit is supported by the La Carovana STEM project run by ART-ER on behalf of the Emilia Romagna regional government. This 3-year project (4M€ budget) aims to fight the gender gap and to promote STEM education in the region’s peripheral areas (aree interne). It is carried out in collaboration with the regional school office of the Ministry of Education, various universities and VET providers.
Local hosts
ART-ER Attractiveness Research Territory is the Emilia-Romagna Joint Stock Consortium that was born from the merger of ASTER and ERVET, with the purpose of fostering the region’s sustainable growth by developing innovation and knowledge, attractiveness and internationalisation of the region system.
Lai-momo is a social cooperative society that provides services in the field of social and digital communication, carries out research and provides technical assistance for social inclusion and development. Lai-momo has 15 years of experience in cultural cooperation, producing publications and providing consultancy for local and international projects.
Open Group
Open Group (OG) was born in 2013 from the merge of the three largest cooperatives in Bologna delivering welfare, education and communication services. OG’s welfare arm started operating in 1984 in the field of social promotion, with particular attention to people suffering from addictions and marginality, disadvantaged children, youth and women (focus on reintegration to work).
A branch of OG is specialized in communication, journalism and broadcasting, and runs the Bolognese radio station Radio Città del Capo. OG has more than 15 years of experience and a team of professionals specialized in digital and cross-media production, advertising, managing arenas and cinema halls and offering graphic services.
Finally, OG designs and implements activities on cultural, educational and social issue, developing projects in: childhood, adolescence and youth, intercultural area and consumer awareness.