25 Jul Call for experts to evaluate the Digital Skillshift project
25 Jul, 2019
Digital SkillShift
Evaluation Specification: Training programme quality, impact and transferability
Purpose of this document
This document defines the specification for an external evaluation of the “Digital SkillShift” project, as managed by ALL DIGITAL AISBL (Rue du Commerce 123, 1000 Brussels, Belgium BE0830256454), and delivered by its three partners in Berlin, Paris and Rome.
Digital SkillShift Evaluation Specification in pdf
Project Overview
The Digital SkillShift project will support 150 learners into work or work experience in three countries through a tailored programme of training designed in conjunction with the companies from a curriculum designed for this project. It aims to target entry-level “digital” jobs outside of the ICT sector and will develop a curriculum that specifically supports a small number of ‘in-demand’ jobs. The ‘model’ will then be promoted to other partner organisations of ALL DIGITAL. Please see the attached Project Overview for more details about the project. The project will be delivered locally in three languages (French, German, Italian), but the platform and all the working documents are in English. LEARN MORE
Key aspects of the evaluation
The evaluation will cover three core areas:
• The impact of the training on the trainees
• The impact on the companies the trainees subsequently join
• The effectiveness and transferability of the training programme
The evaluation will cover the period of the project delivery and evaluation (October 2019 – December 2020)
but may extend into 2021 if agreed with the contractor for the ‘transferability’ aspect.
There is a budget of around €8000 EUR (VAT inclusive) for the evaluation. We would anticipate around 40
days staff time to deliver the evaluation.
Key actions
Evaluate the impact on the learner of the Digital Skillshift training programme in all three target countries.
- Impact on their confidence, skills and employment prospects.
Evaluate the impact on the companies that the trainees join through the project. - Impact of training to their employee’s efficiency and productivity as well as any impact to
company’s growth and competitiveness. - Evaluate the methodology, learning materials and ‘transferability’ of the model to other organisations.
- Effectiveness and efficiency of the methodology and learning materials, and its ease of use and
adoption by other training organisations.
Key Deliverables
The applicant is requested to present two written reports to ALL DIGITAL, with a supporting presentation
for each:
- Interim report in English (Post Piloting, June/July 2020)
- Final report in English (Project end, Dec 2020, or slightly later, if agreed to include longitudinal
The applicant is invited to provide a proposal on how you will deliver the required actions. You can expect
the project partners to support the translation to/from English and the delivery of online or paper
evaluation methods. The applicant can also expect to have access to the project documentation and results
in English to enable a thorough evaluation of the effectiveness of the programme. The applicant can also
expect to be provided with contact details for the companies involved and ALL DIGITAL’s partner
organisations who may or may not take up the opportunity to use the model in their countries.
Who may apply?
Any organisation or individual who has sufficient experience and capacity in providing external evaluation
services to ALL DIGITAL.
Proposal evaluation
The applicant is requested to provide information on their experience (or organisations experience) and
that of staff working on the project, a brief breakdown of the costs and time allocation, as well as the
description the approach you propose to take. The proposal should be no longer than 10 pages.
Your proposal will be evaluated on a number of criteria:
- The likely effectiveness of the proposed evaluation approach
- The experience of the applicant and the named staff involved
- The overall costs of the proposal
Timescales for the contacting period
This call for proposals will close at 23:59 on 20 September 2019. Please send your proposal by email to
ian.clifford(at)all-digital(dot)org. The successful applicant will be notified by the end of September 2019 and will be
expected to commence work by mid-October.
This call for proposals is in no way binding on ALL DIGITAL AISBL. Any contractual obligation commences
only upon signature of the contract with the successful applicant.
For any further information, please contact Mr Ian Clifford project manager at ian.clifford(at)all-digital(dot)org.