19 Nov, 2017
The ASK4JOB Project has just been launched in Rome where the kick-off meeting took place on 6-7 November 2017. It is an ambitious project, which involves 11 partners coming from all around Europe. Its aim is to tackle the lack of digital skills in long-term unemployed and low-skilled people trying to make them much more appealing on the job front.

ASK4JOB project partners at a kick-off meeting in Rome, Nov 2017
How will this be achieved?
The idea is to produce a set of tools to assess educational pathway and value digital literacy competences, the so-called ASK4JOB Kit, which will address both public and private employment agencies as well as education providers for adults, who can incorporate the Kit within their upskilling pathways of adults’ competences.
The Kit will include three different products (Intellectual Outputs) independent in methodological terms but somehow interconnected when observed from a functional point of view.
Let’s have a quick look at them:
- a Skills Assessment for Job Requirements – an on line self-assessment able to set learning goals and identify training opportunities;
- a Capability A-MOOC – it develops a blended programme to improve digital literacy capability and promotes the motivation at lifelong learning. This motivation will be supported by micro-units of learning outcomes so that users could easily experience the success, step by step, during the whole educational pathway;
- an Appreciative Validation – it is a procedural methodology (guide) based on an “appreciative validation” for recognition of competences acquired by low skilled adults through non-formal and informal learning.
Considering the scope, the project needs to be delivered trans-nationally because the development of the ASK4JOB Kit requires a degree of internationalization of contents and technical solutions and no single organization is able to embark on this challenge on its own. This explains the number of partners involved in the project, which will combine their expertise in innovative didactics and their competence in the field of adult education and will give to the project a certain exposure.
The ASK4JOB consortium is strategically composed of various types of partners from nine European countries: Italy, Spain, Turkey, Greece, Lithuania, Poland, Bulgaria; Sweden and Belgium. The choice of the countries was based on both a geographical criterion (to ensure the widest representation possible) and a thematic one. Belgium, which represents the heart of Europe, will be essential for the pan-European dissemination, thanks to ALL DIGITAL.
At the kick-off meeting in Rome we had the chance to meet all partners and get to know each other in order to start working to the best. During this first meeting the activities connected to the Intellectual Output 1 (Skills Assessment for Job Requirements) were at the heart of the discussion.
As a first step, partners will undertake a scouting analysis. What is it that about, you might ask? In each country partners will conduct a survey on emerging digital skills needs expressed by enterprises with reference to the professional profiles. This kind of survey will enable the consortium to understand how to proceed with the training plan and how to sustain the acquisition of digital and cognitive competences.
Also, at the kick-off meeting, partners’ tasks and related deadlines have been defined, so now they are ready to start the work!
- E.RI.FO.- Ente di ricerca e formazione, Italy
- Instalofi Levante SL, Spain
- Turgutlu Kaymakamligi, Turkey
- Best Cybernetics, Greece
- Foxpopuli, Sweden
- Vilnius Adult Education Center, Lithuania
- Akademia Humanistyczno-Ekonomiczna w Lodzi, Poland
- Directorate of Secondary Education, Greece
- Fundacja Instytut Badan, Poland
- Business Foundation for Education, Bulgaria
- ALL DIGITAL, Belgium