24 Jun ASK4Job MOOC is ready, and piloting is about to start!
24 Jun, 2020
Ask4Job is a pathway that supports the development of digital competences and cognitive skills for low-skilled, long-term unemployed adults. It was developed in the context of the “Adult Skills for Job Oriented Breakthrough” project, funded within the context of the Erasmus+ programme by the Italian Agency INDIRE (2017-1-IT02-KA204-036755) and coordinated by the Rome-based employment and training agency ERIFO.
ASK4JOB is an Open educational Resource that could be adopted by labour market operators and adult educators/trainers, in order to realize activities of specialized employment orientation, aimed at supporting job search and individualized development paths, at personal and professional level.
Thanks to the strengthening of digital competences and cognitive abilities, unemployed adults will increase their critical thinking, their knowledge of the technologies and awareness of how to use them for professional and personal development.
The ASK4JOB pathway is mapped to the Digital Competence Framework for Citizen – DigC0mp 2.1, and is built on the first four proficiency levels of digital knowledge (Foundation and Intermediate), opening the possibility of advancing towards more specialized proficiency levels.
You can check the pdf brochure in English here. Brochures in project partner languages are available on the project website.
Ask4Job path is composed of three activities:
- Online test for self-assessment of digital competences. At the end of the test, the system evaluates the level of proficiency of digital skills and proposes an upskilling pathway tailored to the profile of the user. This activity may be unnecessary, if the user has previously realized a balance of competences.
- Massive Open Online Course (MOOC). The MOOC is divided in two sections: the first one is based on digital competences; the second one aims at the strengthening of cognitive abilities. The user can follow the base and the intermediate level of the lessons, according to their abilities.
- Capability Labs that can be conducted both face-to-face or online. The Labs have the ambition to support the user in increasing their awareness of digital competences and how to use those for job search and career development.
The ASK4JOB consortium has developed ASK4JOB Exploitation Guidelines for Employability Counsellors and Adult Educators/Trainers
The piloting is about to start in eight partner countries: Bulgaria, Greece, Italy, Lithuania, Poland, Spain, Sweden, Turkey. The training targets unemployed low-skilled adults who have been out of job for at least two years. It will involve at least 200 users, and 80% of those (20 in each country, 160 total) should complete the course.
The piloting will consist of five stages:
- Selection of participants
- Preparation of participants with explanation of the objectives, structure, expected results of the course
- Self-assessment test and MOOC
- Capability labs that can be conducted individually or in group, in presence or remotely, as long as they are conducted synchronously, where limitations due to COVID-19 are in place. The ultimate goal of the laboratories is to make the user aware of their digital competences and how to use them in the job search or in the development of career paths. The labs explore the following areas: Information and Data Literacy; Digital content creation; Communication and Collaboration; Problem solving; Safety.
- Appreciative evaluation/recognition with open badge certificate
If you are interested in learning more or would like to refer your trainees, please check the project website https://www.ask4job.net/ and contact the project partners.