08 Dec ALL DIGITAL Response to Public Consultation on the interim evaluation of Erasmus+ 2021-2027 and final evaluation of Erasmus+ 2014-2020
08 Dec, 2023
ALL DIGITAL Response to Public Consultation on the interim evaluation of Erasmus+ 2021-2027 and final evaluation of Erasmus+ 2014-2020
The Erasmus+ programme has played a key role in the success of education, training and skills development since its initial creation as a follow-up to the Lifelong Learning Programme 2007-2013.
ALL DIGITAL welcomes the increase in its budget and the focus of its priorities when it renewed for the period 2021-2027.
The programme’s four core priorities – inclusion and diversity, digital transformation, combating climate change and citizen participation – are perfectly in line with ALL DIGITAL’s objectives as a pan-European network of e-skills stakeholders.
These priorities rely on adequate widespread digital competences for their successful implementation, while being mutual requirements that interact holistically. ALL DIGITAL endorses the alignment of the Erasmus+ programme with the Digital Education Action Plan (2021-2027) and stresses the importance of enhancing digital skills for all in the context of digital transformation.
The Erasmus+ programme should give greater priority to initiatives aimed at closing the skills gap among those with the least access to formal education.
The emphasis on inclusion and diversity in the Erasmus+ programme is welcomed, as is the importance of non-formal learning in developing social, intercultural, critical thinking and media literacy skills.
ALL DIGITAL calls on policy makers to ensure that the Erasmus+ programme maintains and improves its principles to meet the urgent needs for skills development in the age of digital transformation.
Read the full statement in ALL DIGITAL Response to Call for Evidence fon ErasmusPlus review