05 Sep The first two outputs of the ICTSkills4All project are out!
05 Sep, 2019
ICTSkills4All – Empowering old citizens for a digital world Project aims at fostering digital skills, self-confidence and online safety of adults aged 55 years and over who have minimal or no engagement with digital technology.
In order to do so, the ICTSkills4All project wants to develop an ICT Learning Programme, which includes:
- A dedicated online platform with information, training tools and resources addressed to those who have low digital skills;
- Face-to-face support using the inter-generational and peer-to-peer approach addressed for those who have no digital skills. The aim of this phase is to provide these people with the basic digital skills that allow them to access the platform.
In its first phase, project partners carried out two parallel researches, which brought to the production of two reports.
The first report is about existing online resources dedicated to improving digital skills among older adults, at regional, national, European and international level, covering the efficacy of such resources. This revision was performed by all partners who provided data crossing different databases. The public content of such resources has been analysed as well as several Graphic Design aspects, focusing Senior Centered Design and assessing if the identified resources meet the needs of the older adult user.
The second report consists of a revision of existing inter-generational and peer-to-peer in person educational programmes performed at regional, national, European and international levels and in different databases. It includes programmes, in which their efficacy in terms of digital skills improvement in older adults was evaluated.
After selection of the documents, a revision of its contents was done, with particular emphasis on the programme content, instruments used to evaluate their impact, and the results obtained in terms of digital skills’ improvements.
These two reports will be used by the ICTSkills4All project partners for the development of online content and of inter-generational and peer-to-peer educational programmes.
Project partners will meet up for their third project meeting in Łódź, Poland, on 17 October. We look forward to more updates!