05 Mar Re-designing the future of telecentres: SparkLab Andalucia
05 Mar, 2014
The Spanish network of telecentres Guadalinfo and our partner organisation Telecentre.org are organising this Friday, March 7th in Andalucia, Spain an event on telecentres and innovation titled “SparkLAB Andalucía”.
Sponsored by the Spanish telecommunications giant Telefónica, the event is a continuation of the international SparkLAB initiative, a movement initiated by Telecentre.org, the International Telecommunication Union and The “Generalitat de Catalunya” to encourage the evolution of telecentres from their current status as public centres for ICT learning towards telecentres as hubs for innovation, digital inclusion and entrepreneurship.
Who should attend or participate online?
The event is geared towards the telecentre community and beyond: those intrested in innovation-specifically in the field of social innovatiom, but also mentors, managers, government officals, NGOs…in short, all the actors with a stake in the future of the telecentre community around the world. The event is not limited in scope to Spain but also combines global phenomena, practical showcases and methodological analysis, with current trends and lessons learned.
Entrepreneuship, Creativity and Technology
Participants will have the chance to attend a number of streamed video conferences:
- led by Sergi Marcén (@sergimarcen) on new and emerging trends in the field of mobile technology
- one led by the company Droiders that is currently working with Goolge glass technology whose CEO Julián Beltrán (@julianmb) will present a demo
- telecentre Europe Director Gabriel Rissola (@tc_europe) will present the “Great Coalition of Digital Jobs” and the role of Telecentre Europe in raising awareness and training for the new digital jobs.
- Pedro Clavería (@peclaveria) will talk about his experience in entrepreneurship and Amalio Rey (@arey) an expert in Innovation and Development Marketing will talk about the keys to “design thinking”.
In a nutshell
- Date: March 7th 2014
- Time: 9.30 am
- Place: Granada (Edificio Bioregión. Parque Tecnológico de la Salud
- Programme(provisional) and Dossier
- Streaming ( link only accessible on the day, not before) or Here on this page ( on the day)
- Hashtag: #sparkLabAND