Main areas: Project management
E-mail contact: sandra.troia(at)
Sandra Troia is a learning experience designer, trainer, and expert in digital competences and personal and social skills who works with public and private organisations. She is active in the promotion and use of the European models DigComp, DigCompOrg, DigCompEdu, DigCompConsumers, LifeComp, EntreComp (among the subjects she has collaborated with are Pearson, Sanoma, Mondadori, La Scuola, Formez PA, Lattanzio Kibs spa, Repubblica Digitale, CertiPass, Department for Digital Transformation, Italian Ministry of Education, Italian Ministry of Economic Development, Italian National Research Council, European Commission’s Joint Research Centre, European Training Foundation, etc.).
She was member of the European Commission’s expert group for combating disinformation and promoting digital literacy through education and training; a member of the Italian National Commission (digital skills area) for the selection procedure for recruiting teaching staff, member of the working group for updating the DigComp model to version 2.2.
She was also involved in the analysis of strategic frameworks for the acquisition of competences, innovative and collaborative learning methods and models, and in the mapping of digital competences based on the DigComp model (project ‘DigcompSAT’ “Creation of an item bank and testing of a self-assessment tool for the digital competence framework).