18 Mar OPEN-AE website online
18 Mar, 2019
The “Promote Open Source Technologies in non-formal Adult Education” – Open-AE project website is online! From the website you will find information about project news and the curriculum.
The project will promote open source technologies in non-formal adult education to support the digital upskilling of both educators and learners. Its aim is to build capacity of non-formal training organizations, such as digital competence centres, to deliver high quality and relevant digital skills training to adults. It does this by developing a curriculum which will improve staff competence on open source technologies, and how to deliver them to users in an adaptable and comprehensive way. The project objectives are to improve teaching and digital skills of e-facilitators through a modular blended course on open source technologies.
At the moment project partners are developing the Open-AE curriculum. This curriculum will give tools and a training to e-facilitators to deliver a high quality and highly adaptive training based on open source technologies to their stakeholders. The Open-AE website will later provide a gateway to the online toolkit for e-facilitators. The online toolkit will be organised in modules. This allows the e-facilitators to select the most relevant modules and related OERs to deliver them in their training. Having an adaptable modular set of tools and OERs that are mapped to DigCompEdu is one way the project hopes to be sustainable, by allowing it to be adapted by trainers all across Europe.
In May 2019, the partners will host an internal training wherein project tutors from each organisation will be trained in the project curriculum.
Stay tuned for future news of when the online toolkit will be live!