08 Feb Join Youth e-Perspectives on Migration Workshop!
08 Feb, 2017
Our project Youth e-Pespectives on Migration is soon coming to an end. But we believe that it is just the beginning! And we would like to start by sharing our methodology with you – a methodology to teach media literacy to young people combining Digital Journalism, Digital Photography and Digital Storytelling plus how to use Online Platforms for a cause.
Last year (2016), we piloted the methodology with 25 youngsters from Belgium, Spain and Croatia. They participated in a 6-days face-to-face training and many on and off-line activities. What did we talk about? Migration. Refugees. Us. The media. Everything!
Now it is time to share our experience with all of you, so if you are working with young people and want to learn how you can empower them through digital media, join us for our workshop “Fostering the use of digital media for youth engagement and active citizenship”!
Download the Agenda