01 Feb Policy event on ILAs & micro-credentials on 23/02/2022
01 Feb, 2022
Policy Event – Individual Learning Accounts and micro-credentials: Impact on Digital Competence Development
On 10 December, the European Commission adopted two proposals for Recommendations by the Council of the European Union, one on Individual Learning Accounts (ILAs) and one on a European approach to micro-credentials. These initiatives were announced in the European Commission’s annual Work Programme for 2021 and are in line with actions set out under the European Skills Agenda and European Education Areas. It is now up to the Council to formally adopt both documents. The Recommendation on Individual Learning Accounts is thereby expected to be adopted under the programme of the French Presidency, i.e. by end of June 2022, while the Recommendation on micro-credentials is expected to be deferred to the Czech Presidency in the second half of 2022.
The Individual Learning Account proposal recommends to Member States to provide annual individual training entitlements for every working age adult residing in a Member State following a universal approach, while Member States are urged to adapt the associated funding to individuals’ needs. It is therefore a major step towards the improvement of digital competences across European citizens, in so far that the principles set out in the ALL DIGITAL Manifesto for enhancing digital competences in Europe are reflected.
The Recommendation also calls for establishing public national registries of quality assured and recognised training, career guidance and validation offers, as well as the creation of a single national digital portal listing available training and support opportunities. Herein lies a key instrument to support and facilitate the essential work of ALL DIGITAL’s members in particular, and providers of digital competence trainings in general. It is crucial that there is proper recognition of non- and informal education and training as key factors in an accessible, inclusive and flexible training offer.
On micro-credentials, the chief purpose of the proposal is to set up a European approach to the provision of micro-credentials, including the definition and design guidance. The proposal lays out a particular focus on certain target groups re-entering the labour market and self-employed and platform workers, for whom traditional (i.e. formal) education and training tends to be inaccessible. Thus, it underlines and fosters the importance of non- and informal training offers.
ALL DIGITAL’s goal in organising this event is to support the proposals made by the European Commission while strengthening the role of non- and informal education providers, particularly of digital competences, in the context of the two topics. In terms of digital education and digital competence development, the two proposals are closely linked: where the provisions for ILAs expand on the scope for quality and adequate training offers (Point 1 of the ALL DIGITAL Manifesto), a European approach to micro-credentials impacts the accreditation and certification of developed competences (related to point 4 of the AD Manifesto).
Target audience
Participants of the event are ALL DIGITAL members, national and EU decision-makers, as well as key stakeholders from industry and civil society engaged in Adult Education and digital competence development. A particular target group are Member State representatives involved in the negotiations of the files, if available.
3:00 Opening Remarks (Peter Palvolgyi/Norman Röhner)
3:10 Panel presentations:
- Klara Engels Perenyi (Policy Officer for Adult Skills, DG EMPL, Unit B.2 – Skills Agenda)
- Yann-Maël Bideau (Policy Officer for Higher Education, DG EAC, Unit B.1.001 – Higher Education Policy)
- William O’Keeffe (Policy Officer, DG EMPL, Uni B.3 – Vocational Education and Training, CEDEFOP)
- Altheo Valentini (Chair of the Board, ALL DIGITAL, TBC)
- Brikena Xhomaqi (Director, Lifelong Learning Platform)
4:10 Q&A with participants
4:25 Closing
Register now
The event will take place online and everybody can join it. Registration is mandatory.
To know more about the event
Presentation by Altheo Valentini
Presentation by Yann-Maël Bideau and William O’Keeffe
Presentation by Klara Engels-Perenyi