15 Oct European Commission’s e-Inclusion Awards 2012
15 Oct, 2011
After a first run in 2008, a new e-Inclusion Awards competition will take place in 2012. The European Commission has established the scheme to raise awareness, encourage participation and recognise excellence and good practice in using ICT and digital technology to tackle social and digital exclusion across Europe.
In 2008, Telecentre-Europe’s member Association Langas i Ateiti – Window to Future (Lithuania) won the award in the Digital Literacy category. The 2012 eInclusion awards will underline the work done by intermediaries and encourage the dissemination of good training practices in the special award category “We are the champions”. The other award category is “I am digitally driven” and will highlight the impact of digital skills on life prospects, with special focus on employability, re-skilling, visible improvement in socio economic situation of groups at risk of exclusion.
The method of participation to the call will be submission of audiovisual material. Further details will be available shortly on the e-Inclusion Award’s webpage. No monetary prize will be given and the winners will be announced towards the 2012 Digital Assembly, where the Commission reports on the progress of the Digital Agenda for Europe.