08 Aug Enhancing Critical Thinking through Media Literacy – CrAL Final International Workshop
08 Aug, 2023
Enhancing Critical Thinking through Media Literacy – CrAL Final International Workshop
25 September 2023, 14:00-17:00
Steve Jobs room, Algebra University Campus, Zagreb, Croatia
Over the last twenty years, significant changes in digital technology have greatly influenced how young people perceive the world, interact with others, and view themselves. This digital transformation has created a virtual environment where young individuals are constantly exposed to audiovisual content and engage in interactions online. However, this has led to a scenario where young people mostly consume entertaining digital media without critically reflecting on meaningful content that contributes to their personal identity development.
The constant exposure to a variety of audiovisual stimuli indirectly enhances their skills in understanding visual language. Unfortunately, although there’s easy access to abundant information, many young people lack adequate media literacy skills, meaning that young people are easily fooled by partisan, biased, or fake news. Given this context, it is crucial to foster critical thinking and media literacy among young people, and this is where the CrAL project comes in!
CrAL – Creative Audiovisual Lab for the promotion of critical thinking and media literacy, an Erasmus+ KA3 Social Inclusion project aims to enhance critical thinking and media literacy among young people between 14-19 years old, parents, and educational staff. The CrAL project contributes to providing young people with the necessary skills to better understand the world they live in, stimulate their critical thinking and sense of responsibility, and help them express their voice online and offline.
Join us at the CrAL Final International Workshop to learn more about the project, see audiovisual content created by young people and get first-hand experience with the CrAL methodology by focusing on visual dramaturgy.
Register for the ALL DIGITAL Summit here.
25 September 2023, 14:00-17:00
Steve Jobs room, Algebra University Campus, Zagreb, Croatia
14.00 – 14.10 |
Opening and welcome |
14.05 – 14.15 |
Ice breaker |
14.15 – 14.35 |
Project presentation Methodology, national and international contest and criteria |
14.35 – 15.25 |
National winners Showcasing audio-visual content created by young people with presentations of each winning team |
15.25 – 15.45 |
Coffee break |
15.45 – 16.00 |
How to use the project platform? |
16.00 – 16.40 |
Visual storytelling & dramaturgy – what is it? CrAL Course Activity |
16.40 – 16.50 |
The impact of the project and policy recommendations Insights gathered through surveys and focus groups, policy recommendations |
16.50 – 17.00 |
Closing |