12 working groups and 400 members in the DigComp community of practice • ALL DIGITAL
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12 working groups and 400 members in the DigComp community of practice

27 Apr, 2021

The DigComp community of practice (CoP) was established in October 2019 on the ALL DIGITAL Basecamp platform to facilitate the exchange of information and good practices among stakeholders and to promote the adoption and support the development of DigComp, the European Digital Competence Framework for all Citizens.

Since January 2021, with the launch of the DigComp 2.2 revision process in collaboration with the Joint Research Centre of the European Commission (JRC), both the membership and activity of the CoP have grown significantly.

There are now almost 400 members (up from 120 in early January) from 48 countries around the world, including all EU member states. About 160 members are from the education sector (2/3 of them from university), 100 from digital competence centres and other third sector organisations, 80 from the public sector (including 20 from the European Commission) and the remaining from various business areas.

For the DigComp 2.2 revision, 12 working groups have been working since February 2021 on different themes (see table 1): first, to collaboratively identify new requirements of citizens’ digital competence coming from new areas and developments in the digital world and later, to identify examples of knowledge, skills and attitudes (KSA) stemming from those requirements. In September 2021, these examples will be validated by the CoP members, other experts and stakeholders, and then JRC will use them to update, by the end of 2021, dimension 4 (KSA examples) of the DigComp framework.

Table 1 – DigComp2.2 revision working groups

1.Information literacy 7.Safety and security
2.Data literacy 8.Consumer and government transaction services
3.Artificial intelligence 9.Creating multi/social media content
4.Internet of things 10.Digital and the environment
5.Programming 11. Teleworking
6.Privacy and personal data 12. Digital accessibility


On Tuesdays at 2 PM every two weeks until 15 June, ALL DIGITAL and JRC organise 1-hour webinars where EU developments (regulations, projects) related to the DigComp 2.2 revision themes and related work-in-progress by the working groups are presented to CoP members and anyone interested in them. The next webinar on 4 May  is titled “AI systems and IoT – what competences do citizens need?“. The next ones already planned will be on 18 May (Well-being and safety) and 1 June (Data literacy).

Besides the DigComp 2.2 revision process, the CoP has hosted lively discussions and information exchanges among members on: which digital competences teachers should have to teach them to their students; DigComp courses for refugees; DigComp-based certification schemes (how to validate them) and self-assessment tools (which ones exist), and other topics.

If you are interested in joining the DigComp CoP, you can register here.


By Stefano Kluzer