29 Aug Ynternet.org Foundation (Yorg)
29 Aug, 2014

Joined us in:
Ynternet.org institute is dedicated to empower netizenship and training on tools for socio-professional development. It has been leading a recently concluded KA3 skills project called WikiSkills (www.wikiskills.net) and a transfer of innovation project on Wikinomics (http://www.wikinomics-project.eu). It has also participated in various Lifelong Learning Programmes and is involved in Digisikills project (http://www.digiskills-project.eu) developing content and practices for lifelong learning in school/university/adult population.
Ynternet.org has developed significant experience on formal and informal training approaches together with its partner Haute Ecole de Gestion de Genève (HEG-Genève, http://www.hesge.ch/heg/en), including an e-portfolio training through a dedicated web platform (www.ageneve.net) and a platform with educative material for online and distant learning (http://ycampus.net/).
Ynternet.org has been quite active in dissemination and networking activities, notably, in supporting the deployment of TEDxGeneva events (http://www.tedxgeneva.net). This has created a network of young volunteers sharing the TED experience with a wide community of entrepreneurs, educators and activists on e-culture.