04 Jan XUL Foundation for Communication and Development
04 Jan, 2021
Posted at 13:32h
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Digital competence centres:
Main thematic area of expertise: Employability
Main thematic area of interest: Employability
XUL Foundation (Fundación Xul para la Comunicación Social y el Desarrollo) is a non-profit organization that aims to impact the community through social communication models and Communication for Development in order to foster social and environmental sustainability to contribute to the collective and participatory construction of a more plural, fair and solidarity society.
In order to fulfill this goal, XUL Foundation develops and implements the following activities:
- Social communication and Communication for Development counseling and mentoring
- Training and researching initiatives to update social communication models and Communication for Development
- International Cooperation for Development projects through communication and raising-awareness initiatives.
- Communication and new technologies innovative initiatives
- Raising-awareness and communication sustainable development
- Raising-awareness, communication actions and networking for common purposes.