08 Dec Simbioza Genesis, social enterprise
08 Dec, 2014

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Digital Competence Centres
MAIN THEMATIC AREA OF INTEREST: Basic digital skills, STEM awareness raising and training
Simbioza Genesis, social enterprise is a NGO with the status of social enterprise, founded in 2014. Simbioza’s core activities are based on empowering all generations with digital literacy and knowledge through intergenerational cooperation, volunteering, lifelong learning and through the practice of gender and minority inclusivity, although Simbioza’s main objective is focused on raising digital skills and providing access to new technologies to elderly population. In the last few years, however, Simbioza have paid particular attention also to digital empowerment and raising interest in STEM among women of all ages.
Simbioza has undoubtedly become one of the key catalysts between companies/industry and other institutions (private/public/NGO) in the field of digitalization, technological advancement, digital transformation and the civil society as translate and moderate the language of technology and digital skills for all genders and generations in Slovenia. During the past years Simbioza through its various activities connected over 150.000 people, which represents almost 15% of the entire population in Slovenia. Simbioza is operating in local communities all over Slovenia. On an annual basis, between 10.000 to 12.000 volunteers from more than 195 organizations are actively involved in Simbioza’s activities.
Simbioza also collaborates with international organizations and initiatives and it has taken part in various international projects (Erasmus+ strategic partnership etc.).