19 Sep Association Rural Internet Access Points (RIAP Association)
19 Sep, 2017

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Digital competence centres:
Main thematic area of expertise: Basic digital skills
Main thematic area of interest: STEM awareness raising and training
Association “Viesieji interneto prieigos taskai” (eng. Rural Internet Access Points) has been operating in Lithuania since 2006. Non-governmental non-profit organization was founded by professionals who had been working in the field of ICT, adults/youth education. The goal of the Association is to enable local individuals and institutions to build key elements of modern and vibrant society through promotion of new information and communication technologies, expansion of access to the Internet resources and improvement of quality of education.
Association informally is supporting established networks of digital competence centres in Lithuania. For years, the Association has closely engaged and collaborated with a national public libraries network through supporting libraries in building librarians competences in the field of ICT. Also, during the last five years the Association has developed strong partnership with schools network throughout the country and conducting a number of non-formal educational activities for the pupils.
Today, the Association Rural Internet Access Points has 100 members, three full-time employees and recruits educators across the country for conducting training in adults and youth digital learning and skills.
In 2016 Association became a member of National Digital Skills and Job Coalition Coalition that unites companies and organizations for increase of employment and achieve a more effective use of digital potential. The Association also cooperates with European and international partners. It has participated in national and European initiatives, such as Erasmus+ strategic partnership, structural funds.