11 Jan, 2010
The pan-European All Digital Week (originally called Get Online Week – GOW) is an annual digital inclusion and empowerment campaign that engages people to use technology and the Internet with confidence and skills that allow them to benefit from online opportunities. It is run at digital competence centres, libraries, schools, community centres and non-for-profits across Europe, bringing over 100,000 Europeans every year in exciting online and offline events tackling digital transformation and its effects. Supported by corporations, NGOs & public authorities, the campaign is organized each year in March by ALL DIGITAL.
The European All Digital Week was inspired by the Get Online Week coordinated and delivered in the UK by our member Good Things Foundation. ALL DIGITAL extended it to the European level, to get new computer users online by helping them to get through the doors of their local ICT learning centres, enabling the staff to build people’s confidence to move on into a more structured learning.
In 2014-2016 GOW was part of the year-long eSkills for Jobs campaign organised by the European Commission, European SchoolNet and Digital Europe. GOW’s alignment to eSkills for Jobs and to the Grand Coalition for Digital Jobs was extremely positive, boosting the reach and impact of GOW partners and actions.
In 11 years of All Digital Week of 2010-2020, over 200,000 Europeans used the Internet for the first time and more than 1,300,000 people have enhanced their digital skills through training events.
Among the earliest and staunchest supporters of the campaign was Telecentre.org Foundation, one of the founders of ALL DIGITAL AISBL. Among our corporate partners there have been Liberty Global, Microsoft, Cisco, Accenture, Certiport, Mozilla Foundation, Google.
To learn more about how you can get involved, visit the All Digital Week website
To check the results of all previous campaigns, please check the Past Editions section