17 Jun Open Group Social Cooperative
17 Jun, 2016

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Digital competence centres:
Main thematic area of expertise: Employability
Main thematic area of interest: STEM awareness raising and training
Open Group (OG) is a new social enterprise founded in 2014. It is comprised of three social cooperatives that have been active for three decades and that are tied together by a vocation towards innovation.
OG’s welfare arm started operating in 1984 in the field of social promotion, with particular attention to people suffering from addictions and marginality, disadvantaged children, youth and women (focus on reintegration to work).
Communication, Education and the use of Media (both analogical and digital) have always been a part of who we are. The digital media, in our opinion, is a powerful channel which can be used to promote advocacy. In addition, it’s an instrument which can influence and promote change in communities. We firmly believe that the development of a digital culture and the acquisition of specific skills can promote progress and growth that should be accessible to all citizens. We think that in order to live in our present time, have a better grasp of our surroundings and a firmer sense of awareness, the acquisition and development of one’s digital competences is of paramount importance. The aim of this endeavor is to seize new opportunities and further our understanding of what new generations need.
With the term “digital competences”, we refer not only to the technical component, but also to the relational, social, critical and reflective aspects. The ethical dimension is essential to create a digital space that is both safer and easier to access. In 2015, Open group got in touch with the ALL DIGITAL network and then became its member in 2016.
A branch of OG is specialized in communication, journalism and broadcasting, Be Open, and runs the Bolognese radio station Radio Città del Capo. OG has more than ten years of experience and a team of professionals specialized in digital and cross-media production, advertising, managing arenas and cinema halls and offering graphic services.
Finally, OG designs and implements activities on cultural, educational and social issue, developing projects in: advocacy of vulnerable populations, childhood, adolescence and youth, intercultural area and consumer awareness.