30 Jul Media Action Kureghem City (MAKS)
30 Jul, 2014
Posted at 13:09h
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Digital competence centres:
Maks empowers people to create their own success stories. Its three subdivisions work closely together offering accessible environment to help people acquire 21st century (computer) and basic native language (Dutch, French) skills:
- Maks Digitaal, manages 3 open acces e-learning centers, 2 in Kuregem and 1 in Molenbeek, with entry level courses and media education projects, working with children and youngsters but also with adults and senior citizens. Maks Digitaal also offers schooling projects and offers digital learning methods and courses to teachers, schools and non – profit organizations in Brussels.
- Maks Werk, an employment counseling service, with a specific program for NEETS from 18 till 25. Maks Werk also focuses on the most vulnerable groups in society with specific counseling and guidance according to their specific profile.
- Maks Grafisch Bureau, a graphics service in social economy, where we endeavor to give unemployed people with graphic skills further training and working experience and deliver socially correct and premium quality Graphic products.
Maks is situated in one of the most deprived neighborhoods of Brussels, namely Kuregem. Most inhabitants here come from an immigrant background. Within a population of about 27,000 spread over just 2km², there are over 80 different nationalities. Both the unemployment and illiteracy rates are high. The unemployment rate reaches an alarming double of the Brussels average rate.