13 Dec Jovesolides Spain
13 Dec, 2021

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Digital competence centres:
Main thematic area of expertise: Employability
Main thematic area of interest: Basic Digital Skills
Jovesolides is an NGO based by youth in a vulnerable community in the surrounding of Valencia city. The work/projects of this organisation is mainly focused on youth as target group, but it is also attending all diverse kind of vulnerable communities and society in general when it comes the chance to promote a new vision of social integration and social inclusion. This organisation has experience in diverse areas of work as:
1.E-inclusion, including labor inclusion of vulnerable communities,
2.Social awareness / Education for development and volunteering, also focused in content as the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG)
3.International Cooperation for Development, mainly focused on the Youth capacity building in the latin american context,
4.Social Entrepreneurship and Social Innovation, as one of the main areas developed by the organisation, also mainstreamed in the previous areas.
Within the conscience of the youth social current requirements, we are focusing in our long background promoting youth as social change makers, which is one of the strategies in the EU context nowadays.
On the other side Jovesolides has got long experience in volunteering, we have host diverse profiles of volunteer services including University practices, European volunteer service, professional internship practices and volunteer service, always with a process and correct management. We also believe in the relevance of certifying the volunteer and social experience and skills for future labor inclusion of youth.
Jovesolides has got a long background in social Innovation and also in the design of social innovation strategies and methods to empower and train diverse stakeholders. It also has got experience in leading Social and Political advocacy debate tables in the organization in medium and big scale events within social issues.