11 Feb Mediawijs – Interuniversitair Micro-Electronica Centrum vzw
11 Feb, 2022

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Digital competence centres:
Main thematic area of expertise: Digital Media Literacy
Main thematic area of interest: Digital Media Literacy
Mediawijs is the Flemish Knowledge Centre on Digital and Media literacy at IMEC vzw. Mediawijs helps the citizens of Flanders and Brussels to use and understand digital technology and media in an active, creative, critical and conscious way in order to take part in our society.
Mediawijs was commissioned by the Flemish Minister of Media to coordinate and stimulate digital and media literacy in the Flemish community. A large part of Mediawijs’ work is aimed at supporting the development of municipal digital inclusion policy and integrating digital inclusion and media literacy in the sectors that work with vulnerable young people, people with disabilities and senior citizens.
To that end Mediawijs supports the digital inclusion field in Flanders by setting up networks and cooperation, and with training, knowledge sharing, practice and policy development and campaigns.