20 Jun Hellenic Professional Informatics Society (HEPIS)
20 Jun, 2014

Joined us in:
The Hellenic Professionals Informatics Society (HePIS) is the network that connects all the ICT Professionals in Greece and which aims at meeting the expectations of both professionals and scientists in the field of Information & Communications Technologies (ICT).
It is a non-profit, non governmental organization. HePIS is the only member of CEPIS (Council of European Professionals Informatics Societies) and IFIP (International Federation for Information Processing) in Greece, representing the country’s ICT professionals and promoting their interests at a Global level.
HePIS has an extensive experience on youth employability and e-inclusion projects such as:
• Getbusy.gr – an educational portal providing the opportunity to young people to strengthen their skills so as to be more competent in the labour market. Getbusy has been considered as a best practice on youth employability having received a distinction at European CSR awards 2013 and was one of the pledges of the Grand Coalition for Digital Jobs. Since 2012, more than 20.000 candidates have been trained through Getbusy.gr while more than 250.000 users have visited the website.
• Getcoding.gr – an initiative which aims at providing the necessary tools for young people to acquire the basic coding skills.
• FIT4JOB S- HePIS participated in the FIT4JOBS consortium under the funding programme “Progress”. Through this initiative computer science and STEM graduates participate in an extensive training tailor made to the needs of the market and upon its completion they were placed in vacant ICT positions.
• E-Skills for jobs, GetOnline Week, EU Code Week – HePIS is one of the partners of the pan-European initiatives e-skills for jobs, getonline week and EU code week which aim at increasing awareness of the importance of e-skills, coding and ICT careers.
• Active Women – Through this initiative, women from marginalized groups have been trained on digital skills